#55 You Get In A Fight And Make Up

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Luke: "All I asked was that you at least tell me WHERE you wanted to go to dinner! You made me look so stupid in front of your parents when we showed up and had no plans." You stormed around your flat, picking up various pieces of clutter, angry at your boyfriend. Luke followed behind you, straightening things up. "It was fine! They had no problem just sitting and talking!" "That's not even the point! The point was that they were supposed to get to know me better and they probably thought I was so incompetent that I couldn't even plan a meal!" As you made your way into the kitchen you sighed at the mess. It had been weeks since anyone had even tried to clean anything up because you two had been so busy. "And this! Maybe if you'd just put your cup in the washer when you're done!" You flew around the kitchen like a tornado with an awful frown on your face. Luke followed you in and sat down on the bar stool. "Y/N." He stated. You refused to speak to him, still scrubbing away. "Y/N." He said again, before getting up and grabbing your shoulders. "Y/N. This isn't about dinner and I know it. What's bothering you?" You felt the tears welling in your eyes as he stared at you. "It's just... I don't think.. I don't think your family likes me much." Tears filled to the top of your eyes and one spilled over. You watched as it rolled off your cheek and landed on the floor. "Where would you ever get an idea like that?" His fingers touched your chin and tilted it up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "Your parents.. I heard them talking... They said that I'll never be able to take care of you. Luke, I can't cook. I hate cleaning. I can't even get dinner plans made. I just... I don't know why you'd wanna be with me." You had full tears now. His chest moved to your face, pulling you in close. "Y/N. I love you because of the way you make me laugh, and the way your nose crinkles when you smile. I love you because you're smart. And because of the way your hair looks when it's in the sun. I love you because of the things you say in your sleep and how you still have every stuffed animal from your childhood." Your tears stopped. "And I love you because you're you. I don't care that you can't cook or clean or anything. You're you... and that's the only thing I'll ever need." A smile spread across your face as his lips landed in your hair. "I love you too." Was all you could say.

Calum: You sat in the corner of the club, sipping at your drink. Calum had been gone for 20 minutes now and you got more and more angry as you sat alone, people staring. A few minutes later Calum and Michael finally returned, not even mentioning their long absence. Calum slid into the booth next to you and placed a hand on your knee. "Do you want to go dance?" He asked, grinning. "No." You stared back. He looked confused as he asked "Why?" "I'm not in the mood. I just want to go home." You slid until you reached Michael. They had trapped you in the booth. You glared at him, and he hastily got up and moved out of your way. As you walked away Calum climbed out and began to chase you. "Y/N! Wait!" He grabbed you hand, preventing you from getting too far away. " What's wrong?" "I already told you that I didn't want to come tonight. And then you just disappear and leave me sitting there alone like an idiot." "Y/N, I told you to go out and dance with your girls. They're having so much fun out there." You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "Why is it that every time you come home after weeks of being gone, the only thing you seem to want to do is not be with me. All I wanted was to curl up on the couch and sit with you and just talk." His expression turned from anger to sympathy. "I.. I didn't know that's what you wanted.." He looked at the ground as his feet kicked the floor. "I just miss you. I just want to talk to you and hear about the tour and just look at your face." You rolled your eyes again and tried to push him away, but before you could he grabbed your hand, yanking your body into his and giving you a devilish grin. His lip slipped between his teeth. You knew it was coming. In the two years you'd dated Calum you had never been able to resist the words that came after one of his lip bites. "Babe.. I'm really sorry." His face was dangerously close to yours. "It's ok.. I guess.. I just.." His lips crashed into yours before you could finish. "How about we get out of here and grab some take away?" He said after he pulled away. "I'd like that." You grinned. You two walked out of the club hand in hand.

Ashton: "I'm sorry." You sobbed, curled up in a ball on the couch. "I just.." Ashton stood in front of you, glaring. You had accidentally planned a trip on the one weekend that he had wanted you at his side. They were getting an award, and you couldn't back out of your trip. "I really need you there." Ashton huffed. "I show up to everything you want me to, flaking out and missing and you can't get out of this one damn thing?" You could see the pain in his eyes. "It's for work Ash... I have to present the new--" "Don't even talk to me about missing work events. Remember last month when I got chewed out for coming home to you instead of going to that press conference?" He began pacing the floor and finally walked into the kitchen. You heard the fridge open and a can pulled out, the top popping. You followed him in, standing in the doorway. "I won't go." You stated simply, finally having the tears under control. He rolled his eyes. "Now you're being dumb. You'll lose your job." "I don't care. I know you need my support. And I'm going to be there." He turned and looked at you. "Y/N, you love your job." You walked towards him, taking his hand in yours. "I love you more. And if they fire me, then it only means more time I get to see you." His anger melted away. He placed the can on the counter and used the now free hand to pull your body into his. "I have enough money for the both of us to live a thousand years on anyway." He grinned and you both began to laugh. "Well, that's good. Because if we're going to this award show then I'm going to need a fancy new dress."

Michael: "Yeah. Whatever." You hung up the phone before Michael could respond. Your tempers were both high as you missed each other terribly. You were fighting about Mikey not coming home on his break and instead staying in California. You sat there for a minute thinking until your phone buzzed in your hand. It was a text from him. 

Mikey: The flight and the jet lag alone wouldn't be worth it. I miss you but I'll be a walking zombie and I'll have to leave only 24 hours after arriving. 

You rolled you eyes. He wasn't getting it. He forgot your birthday was that weekend. That is why you wanted him to come so much. 

You: Have fun on tour. Do me a favor and check your calendar to see if there's any other weekend you WON'T be coming home. 

You started to cry. It wasn't that your birthday was a big deal, or that you had anything planned. But it was your birthday, and the only present you wanted was his arms wrapped around you. A few minutes later your phone rang. You wiped your tears with your sleeve and picked it up. "What?" "Y/N. I am SO sorry." Michael pleaded on the other end of the line. "I'm just so tired that I'm not even thinking about days or anything. I can't believe I forgot your birthday. You must think I'm a dick." He sighed. "Yeah. Well, it's fine." You began to feel selfish. He was obviously exhausted and you didn't want to be sympathetic to him. "It's ok. I know that you need a few days to relax. Just stay in L.A. We can do something when you come home next time." "No. That won't do. I need to see you. I'm going to fly you out here." You were a little shocked that that could be allowed. You hadn't been allowed to visit up to this point. "You won't get in trouble?" "I guess we'll see. But I need you here. Two weeks. I'll fly you out and we'll spend two weeks together. The concerts and a few new towns you've never been to. Just you and me." He chuckled a little. "And the boys and the crew and management." You smiled. "Do you really mean it?" "I do." "Well, then I guess I'll pack my bags. I'll see you in a week. I love you." "I love you too."

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