#32 When He knows You're Upset...

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Luke: "Hey Luke. Sorry. I know it's late. But I just wanted to hear your voice. It's been awhile since I've seen you.. With your tour.. and what not... Well Luke, I just missed you.. I guess text me when you're up." You breathed out heavily as you ended the call to finish the voicemail and sunk back into your bed. Everything had been going wrong lately, and Luke was the only one who would actually care about your sob stories. But of course he was the only one not around. You tried to fall asleep as you listened to the faint sounds of crickets outside the window. A half an hour later and you were still too busy thinking of everything to be even close to falling asleep. "Y/N." You quickly sat up, looking around the dark room for the voice you couldn't have actually heard. "Y/N!" The voice said again. You made your way to the window, looking outside to see Luke standing in the tree, trying to get into your room. "What the hell are you doing Luke?!" You asked as he climbed inside your window, wrapping you in a hug as you did so. "You sounded upset on the phone. I thought maybe you needed a friend." "Why are you coming through the window you dork? You have a key to my flat." You could almost hear the corners of his mouth turn to a smile before he said "I thought it seemed more 007 this way. Now tell me what's wrong?" He pulled your hand to the bed, sitting down next to you. "Nothing. Really. I'm just playing victim today." He watched your mouth intently as you spoke. "Y/N, you've been my best friend since I can remember. I know somethings up." You breathed out. "Nothing, I-" "Y/N." He repeated again, this time more sternly. "Tell me what's wrong." You knew he wouldn't let you alone unless you told him, and soon the tears fell from your eyes. "Everything Luke. Just everything." He held you the rest of the night while you cried and told him about all of your problems.

Ashton: You had been having the worst week of your life. Your boss yelled at you at work, your car had to be taken to the shop, twice on your way to work you spilled coffee everywhere and now today when you returned home a pipe burst flooding your apartment. "Ashton, this week has been hell." You sighed through the phone, sitting in your friends living room. After telling him everything that had happened. "I'm sorry Y/N.." He sighed. "I wish I was there... I wish there was something I could do.." You smiled, happy to have someone who cared so much. "Just getting to talk to you is enough Ash. Although, a hug from you would be all that much better." You snickered to yourself, knowing he'd be doing the same. "Always wanting more ashy aren't we?" He laughed. "How about this.. As soon as I come home we can stay up watching every chick flick and eating every kind of ice cream to make up for it, yeah? Isn't that what girls do when they're pissed off?". You smile to yourself knowing that your day had suddenly become much better. "Yeah. I'd love that."

Michael: You were never one to verbally express your feelings, and despite the small change in attitude you didn't really show it on the outside either. No one would know. Except Michael. He could always tell when something was bothering you. Having been together for two years he knew all of your secrets. "Y/F/N, I command you to tell me what's wrong." He stood in front of you, blocking your view of the TV from the spot on the couch. "Nothing's wrong." You huffed. He stared at you blankly for a minute until he realised you weren't budging. "Y/N." He said again, this time more flat. "I know you better than anyone on this earth. Tell me what's wrong." You were about to speak again, trying to push him away, but you couldn't hold it in any longer and before you could speak a flood of tears came pouring out of your eyes. He instantly scooped you up in his arms listening as you babbled on about all that was bothering you, not saying anything, just listening. When you had no words left he remained silent. "Say something." You breathed into his shoulder, worrying that perhaps you'd become too emotional or too broken. "What do you want me to say, Y/N? I'm sorry? I'm sorry doesn't cut it." You listened as you felt his chest rise and fall with yours. "I know you Y/N. I know you don't want someone who will fix you or solve all of your problems. You want someone who will be there for you, through everything. I want you to know that no matter what you always have someone here for you... Always. I'm never gonna leave you." He kissed the top of your forehead. "I'm never gonna leave you."

Calum: "Guess who!" You heard the hundredth knock on your door and you rolled your eyes once again. "I told you I didn't want to see you ever again Calum." Of course you both knew that wasn't true, but for some reason you needed him to fight for it, to show you that this was all worth it. "Stop it Y/N. I know you're upset. But please let me in. We need to talk about this." You thought then stood, slowly in latching the lock and opening the door. Calum stood in front of you, holding only a faded and torn bag. "Everything we need to fix us is right in here." He sighed, entering your flat and taking you by the hand to the table where he began to disassemble the bag. "This." He held up a ratty piece of fabric. " this is my Nirvana tshirt that you love. You get so mad when I leave on tour with it." He continued to rummage through the bag, pulling out more items. "This is the movie you love to watch when it's raining, and this is your favorite perfume that I stole from you so I could have your scent close to me on tour. This is the picture of us that we took the night we became official. And this-" "Stop." You breathed out heavily, tears in your eyes. All this time you thought Calum only thought his money or fame would make you happy. "I love you Y/N. And whenever you're upset with me because of done something wrong, and we both know I'm going to fuck some things up in one way or another, just look at these. Because I'm willing to do anything to make you happy... To stop your tears.... Even if that means giving up my favorite tshirt..." You smiled as you wrapped him in a hug.

I can't be bothered with editing today so if there's mistakes... And we know there is.... Just... Let go of your OCD and pretend they don't exist.

Green Day reference though 👌👌 pat on the back for me.

Keep on being FANTABULOUS.

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