#15 He Meets Your Friends

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Luke: "Kaylee I told you you can't freak out!" You and your best friend of 12 years were sitting on the couch of your hotel room, waiting for your boyfriend Luke to come back from rehersals. "Well it's not everyday that your bestfriend says she's leaving the states to go to college in Australia, and then ends up getting a rockstar for a boyfriend!!!" Your and Luke's story was a little unbelieveable, but it happened, and it all happened really quickly. Now you were trying to keep your friend calm before her meeting one of her favorite bands. Who could blame her though? "Just don't scream! He gets enough of that from everyone else! And also-" Before you could finish you heard the front door open and a flood of male voices entered the room. "Y/N! We're here!" Luke called out, catching your eye. "Luke!" You smiled, standing and giving him a hug. The other boys all waved at you smiling. "Luke, Ash. Mikey, Cal... This is my friend Kaylee. Kaylee these are the boys." You smiled at her taking Luke's hand in yours and giving it a small kiss. "Hi!" They all waved back to her and she sat there doe eyed staring. You started to get worried when she didn't say anything, but then she smiled. "Hi. I'm Kaylee." She nodded and sunk back into the couch as if it were a casual meeting. "That's it?" You asked. "No screaming or fangirling?" She shook her head and replied. "No, not on the outside. I feel like I'm going to throw up, however! But I think I'll just keep that to myself." Everyone laughed, and your friend had a blast the rest of the day spending time with you and the boys.

Ashton: "SURPRISE!" You dropped your keys and purse to the floor, startled by the screaming people in your flat. "Hi..." You awkwardly replied, looking around at all your friends. In the front was your boyfriend Ashton, with his arm around the shoulders of your best friend, who you hadn't been able to see in quite some time. "Olivia!" You screamed, running to give her a hug. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too, Y/N! Happy Birthday!" You had missed her so much, and had almost completely forgotten about Ashton standing right beside you two. "Wow. If only I could be greeted like that!" Ashton laughed, pressing a kiss to your hair. "Sorry Ash. I just got so excited! I've just- Hey. Wait. When did you two meet?" They both giggled a little. "About two hours ago when I got dropped off here from the airport. Ashton called me a few weeks ago wanting to plan this awesome party for ya. He knew you'd want me here!" Your friend explained. "I must admit, Y/N. I wasn't sure about this when you told me you had a rockstar for a boyfriend... BUT. He's a pretty good kid." She smiled and nudged him on the arm. "Aww! That's tender!" Ashton chuckled, nudging her back. "I have warned him, however." She stated. You gave her a puzzled look. "If he ever hurts you I'll kill him!" You couldn't help but laugh. "Good. Cause that's your job."

Michael: "I don't think I'm ready for this." Mikey sighed, squeezing your hand a little tighter. "What, do you think she's going to bite you or something?" You giggled, placing a kiss to his cheek. "No! It's just... She's like amazing! She's like been my celebrity crush for forever!" "Hey!" You snapped back. "I thought I was your celebrity crush!" "Of course you are! But you've never been 'famous' to me. We were friends before you ever even went on the xfactor. You're just Y/N. Plain and simple. That's why I love you!" You smiled, not knowing whether to kiss him or punch him. "We're here!" You smiled as the car pulled into the parking lot of the club. "Ready?" You asked, pulling him from the car and into the building. "Camila!" You shouted, seeing your friend from across the room. You could feel Michaels tension as he gripped your hand tighter. "Y/N! Over here!" Your friend was none other than Camila Cabello. You two had met when you were on the same season of the xfactor together. You loved every one of the Fifth Harmony girls but had especially clicked with Camila. "You brought him!" She smiled, noticing Michael clutching your hand. "Yeah, he's a little nervous to meet you though." You grined, and Michael's face went red, his eyes begging you not to say anything. "Michael has a bit of a crush on you!" "I do not!" He quickly snapped back and Camila giggled. "Aww! That's cute!" She giggled, winking at you. "I must say though. I'm not half as great as Y/N. That's a pretty special girl you have there." She stated, nodding at him. "Yeah, she is a pretty special girl, huh." Was all he could manage to say. And you could only blush.

Calum: "This is Madison, and Kayla, and Harmony.. Oh and Lydia is over there, and-" "Y/N!" Calum cut you off. "How am I supposed to remember all of these people!" He blankly looked around the flat filled with all of your girlfriends who were staying the night. "You're not." You giggled back. "They just all wanted to meet you!" "I completely forgot you were doing this tonight..." He sighed and you rolled your eyes at him. "I kind of invited-" Before he could finish you heard Ashton, Luke and Michael come through the door. "Oh. Hello." Ashton said a little too seductively for your taste. "No no no no no no!" You yelled pushing them back out the door. "This is a GIRLS night. No boys allowed." "Aww, come on Y/N! They can stay. We'd like to get to know them better anyway!" Your friend Casey giggled from the corner. You looked at her just in time to see her flash a wink to Ashton. "Yeah, come on Y/N. This could be fun!" Calum gave you a devilish smirk. "I hate you guys. You know that?" You sighed, allowing them to enter. "I think I like your friends." Calum stated, smirking again, giving you a kiss on the cheek and walking away to chat with all the girls.

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