#18 Official

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Calum: The rumors had been circling around for weeks on end about you and Calum. To tell the truth you wished they were true, rather than what the actual truth was. You and Calum had been friends with benefits for months now. You both had feelings for each other, but with him being gone so much and you going to school there just wasn't time for a relationship. You did get together every time you could though, and every time it just ended in sex. You both felt lonely and somehow that filled the void. Lately, though it wasn't cutting it for you. You wanted more. And when Calum was seen leaving your apartment, rumors flew and it killed you. "Y/N?" You heard Calum say as he walked into your apartment. "In here." You called from the living room, hiding the magazine you had been reading, with you and Cal on the cover. "There you are. How have you been?" He instantly wrapped himself around you, whispering the words into your ear and kissing your neck. "Stop." You pushed him away and turned so he couldn't see your face. "I can't do this anymore Cal." He looked at you intently, confused at your actions. "I can't just be your side girl, that you go to when you need something, and then just leave again. I can't just pretend that I don't love you, and that this is just sex. I can't pretend that I haven't wanted you since the day that I met you. I can't do it anymore." A tear fell from your eye as you watched him stare at you. "Me neither." He sighed, taking your hand. "I guess I just kept coming because I didn't want you to forget about me. I thought this was all you wanted. You've been busy with school, and I can't be there like you deserve. I just kept coming back so that I could still be with you." Neither of you knew what to say, until he finally spoke again. "Can we try this? Can we try us? I want you, Y/N. I love you." "Just shut up and kiss me."

Ashton: "Are you ready?" He asked, before starting the video. You nodded and it began. "Hi guys! It's Ashton and Y/N. You guys have been asking for ages if Y/N was my girlfriend, and up until now she hasn't been... But we wanted to let you guys know that we finally got together! Wooo!" You giggled as he shook the camera around and screamed, then placed a kiss to your cheek. "Isn't she lovely folks? Just gorgeous. Say hi, Y/N!" "Hi!" You waved to the phone camera. "Ok! Time to go! Talk to you guys later!' With that he shut off the keek and smiled. "I'm glad you're my girlfriend, Y/N." He breathed out, giving you another kiss. "Well it took you long enough!" You laughed, punching him in the arm. "I've only been dropping hints for two years now." "What? Me? Clueless? No way." He chuckled. "I guess I was just scared you'd say no." "Well, I didn't. And now it's official. I just hope your fans will like me." "They'll love you."

Luke: The 5SOS boys sat on another couch, being interviewed for the 100th time, being asked the same questions. Luke sat there completely bored and distracted like he usually does. And you were watching from your living room couch. "So, who's single?" Everyone of the boys but Luke raised their hands. When they started laughing Luke snapped out of his day dreaming and said "What? Oh." And his hand shot up. "I mean.." And his hand went down. Then he remembered something. "No, I mean I'm single!" The crowd stared as his hand went up and down and back up, Luke fumbling with his words. "Luke...." You sighed, knowing he'd just ruined himself. "Which is it Luke? Single or no?" The interviewer asked, smiling and hoping he'd just opened a can of worms. "Y/N is going to kill you.." Ashton not-so-quietly whispered in Luke's ear. He knew he had to tell now. "No, I'm not single. I have a girlfriend and her name is Y/N and I love her very much." A dorky grin appeared on his face as he dropped his hand. "How long has this been going on?" The interviewer asked. "About 4 months now. We haven't said anything because we just wanted to get to know each other without all the pressure, but I guess it's out there now. Sorry Y/N!" He said and the crowd laughed. "Well, there you have it. Luke Hemmings, teen heartthrob from 5 Seconds of Summer is taken by Y/N! I can hear the hearts breaking!" Luke grinned and blew a kiss to the camera, knowing you were watching. "I love you Luke." You said back to the TV, glad it was finally out in the open.

Michael: "Mikey, look at this!" You called to him from your bedroom. "What is it babe?" He entered the room and plopped down beside you on the bed. "Someone took a picture of us on the beach yesterday. That time when you kissed me..." His eyes went wide as he looked at the picture. Everyone already knew who you were. You and your band were on tour with 5SOS, so it wasn't uncommon to see pictures of you and the boys. The problem however was that there were always rumors floating around that you were with one of the boys. First it was Mickey, then Ash, and then Cal and their current phase was Luke. You had tried so hard to convince everyone you weren't with any of them, and lately the rumors had simmered. Now, however, with a picture of your make out session on the beach, the rumors were flying again. "Shit." He sighed. "I guess they all know now." You both continued to stare at the pictures and the "I knew it!" tweets. "We should just tell them." You sighed, pulling up a new tweet. "Alright, you caught us. Ys, Michael and I are dating and we have been for a while! Xx (:" You pressed send on the tweet, hoping you wouldn't regret it. "Awesome. Does that mean we can do more of this in public?" He asked pointing to the picture and grinning. "Cheeky little thing." You laughed.

Ok, so I have THREE preferences I want to post, but how about we get this one to 15 votes first, yeah? Sounds great (: They're already written so I'll put them up as soon as we hit 15! Ready, set, GO!! Xx

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