#41 Flights

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I'm currently on a flight to New York, BORED OUT OF MY MIND. So, why not write a preference?! I haven't written in ages. Xx

Ashton: You hadn't wanted to leave. The time you got to spend with Ashton was always so amazing, and always disappeared too fast. This time was different though. Lately things between the two of you had been tense. From the moment you had arrived to see him something was off, which then led to fights, and eventually landed you back on a plane a week early. It was all so complicated. Maybe it was the distance, or the constant flights back and forth, but it had all become so hard. You just missed him, and thought that maybe breaking things off would be easier than the pain of missing him constantly. However, sitting in this chair, waiting to take off, all you wanted was him. "Ma'am, I need you to please take your seat." The flight attendant said to you as you stood from your seat, taking your bag down from overhead. "I want off this plane." You huffed, pushing past her to the door about to close. You knew if you stayed on this plane you'd regret it forever. "I'm coming Ash." You whispered to yourself as you ran off down the terminal.

Luke: "I'm boarding now. I'll be there soon." You spoke through the receiver as you sat down and buckled yourself up. "Can't wait. Love you." "Love you too." You smiled before hanging up your phone. "Your boyfriend?" The woman in the seat next to you asked as you got situated. "Yeah, we're going on a vacation together. I'm meeting him in LA." She smiled as she picked up a magazine. "What it'd be like to have young love again." You and Luke had been together for a few months now, but no one knew. It was red eye flights and secret meetings, all because you'd bumped into each other in a New York coffee shop. It was thrilling to jet off to meet him, knowing no one around you even had a clue. "Yeah it's great." You answered back, giggling as you noticed who was on the cover of her magazine.

Calum: "Please don't leave. Just stay another week." Calum was standing with you at the terminal as you were about to board your plane back home. "You know I can't. I have to get home for school. And my parents miss me. I'll come back again soon." He pouted as your wrapped your body around his. "But I want you here now." "All passengers boarding flight 72 please board now." You sighed and gave him a frown. "That's me. I have to go. I love you Cal." He wrapped you tight, peppering kisses on top of your head. "I love you Y/N. Have a safe flight." You kissed once more before making your way down the terminal, already counting down the days until you saw him again.

Michael: You couldn't wait to see him. As you stood outside the gate you grew more and more excited as you saw Michaels plane pull up. "Y/N!!" He screamed, running to you as he left the terminal. "I missed you so much." You both sighed, squeezing each other tight. "That was the longest god damn flight of my entire life." He laughed as he continued to kiss you. "I never thought I'd get here!" "I never thought you'd get here either." You chuckled as you began to walk out of the airport. "So, besides the legenth, how was the flight?" "Shitty." He laughed. "Crying babies, turbulence and gross peanuts. All worth it though to see your face." You blushed as he smiled at you. "Come on. Let's go. I only have five days with you and you better believe we're going to use every single minute of them." You winked dragging him but the wrist. "Is that a threat?" He chuckled.

Do they even fly in regular planes anymore? Probably not. They're too cool for that. But really. If this baby doesn't stop crying. 😳😡😡

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