#27 Trying Something New

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Luke: "Really. I can't do it." You scowled at the dead fish lying on the plate in front of you. You and Luke were in Tokyo for tour and he bragged about the food here the last time he came, so now that you were here he wanted you to try. "Nope. Not going to happen." You said again. "Come on, Y/N. You never know. Just try it. You may like it." The longer you stared the more revolting it looked, but after all the things you'd make Luke try, you figured you better at least have a taste. You picked up the fork from the side of your plate and stuck it in the sushi, raising it into your mouth. It was chewier than you expected and made the inside of your mouth taste like it smelled. "Mmmmmm...." You grimaced as you chewed and swallowed the piece, trying not to let it come right back up. "You hate it huh?" He sternly asked and you nodded. "Fine. At least you tried it. But I think you'll starve here. Sushi is like all they eat." "I think I'll just hit the McDonalds I saw down the street." You winked.

Ashton: "So then... Ugh... You're supposed to like swing your leg over... like this. And then you just like... urgh.. go." You and Ashton had decided to try out a few new positions from the magazine you'd read earlier, but so far all of them were awkward and uncomfortable, and quite frankly it had worn the two of yourselves out trying to get into them. "Y/N, this isn't working." He laughed under you and you sighed. "You're right." You untangled yourself from the mess and laid down next to him in the bed. "I just thought it might be fun to try something new. Never thinking that again." You giggled as he pulled himself on top of you. "Well, if you're still in the mood, maybe we can just stick to our old ways. Because those are pretty fun I think."

Calum: "What are we going to do tonight?" You asked as Calum dragged you out to the car for your date. "Well, I thought we'd try something new tonight. We always go to the same restaurant with the same waiter and the same food." "That's because it's our favorite place." You giggled, climbing into the passenger seat. "Well, maybe this will be our new favorite." You and Calum drove around Sydney for what seemed like ages until he finally pulled into a parking spot. "This is the beach Cal." "Your point?" He chuckled. He giggled pulling you out of the car and down onto the beach. From far away you could see the faint glow of candles on a blanket laid out with a picnic basket. "Cal..." You sighed when you saw what he had done for you. "I wanted to spend time with you away from everyone, so I set up this little picnic on the beach." You wanted to cry seeing the effort he'd put into it. "You were right Cal. This is my new favorite palce to be."

Michael: "So, are we thinking pink or blue?" Lou held up both of the boxes in front of you, waiting for you to pick your new hair color. "Neither! Mikey do I really have to do this?!" You turned to look at your boyfriend, and he nodded. "Come on Y/N a deals a deal. I will dye my hair brown if you dye yours a crazy color. You have to know why I love it so much." You cringed picturing yourself with an insane hair color rather than the conservative color you had now. "How about red. That's not too crazy. And Hayley Williams pulls it off pretty well." You nervously bit your lip as Lou began to start the process. A few hours later when it was all done you were actually pretty happy with the results. "You know Mikey. This is actually kinda fun. I feel sort of punk now!" You chuckled.

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