#9 Sticky Situations

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Calum: "Stay here. Ill be right back with your tea." You peck Calum on the nose then climbed out of the bed and pulled one of his t-shirts from the floor. As you pulled it over your head you walked through the living room, into the kitchen to make your tea. "Well, hi Y/N." You jumped, hearing someone's voice. As you turned around you saw Luke on the couch, rubbing his eyes, clearly woken from his sleep. "LUKE!" You shrieked, trying to cover up what the T-Shirt wouldn't. "What are you doing on my couch?!" "I couldn't find the key to my hotel room last night and I remembered that Calum stuck one if yours in my wallet for safe keeping so I came and crashed on the couch. By the way, you two are noisy."

Luke: Lately you and Luke hadn't been able to keep your hands off of each other. It probably was because he had just gotten home from a long tour, but you two had grown rather handsy. Tonight you found yourself with him in the mens bathroom of the club you were in. It had started getting heated on the dance floor and you decided to move to a place where you two could be alone. "God, Luke I missed you." You managed to get out between moans. His lips left sloppy kisses all over your neck, and his hands found their way up your shirt. 'Luke, I--" Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and you heard the voices of two men enter, talking about various things. "Lock the stall door!" You whispered, climbing up on the toilet so your feet weren't visible. He quietly shut it and stood there in silence as the men continued to talk. It seemed like ages before they finally left. "Close call." Luke chuckled, pulling you down. "Too close." You laughed. His hands pulled you in again, beginning from where he left off. "No way Hemmings. That was too dangerous for me." You exited the bathroom, turning back to flash him a grin, leaving him in an unfulfilled state.

Ashton: "No! You go out there!" "No! You!" Ten minutes ago Ashton's sister had walked into the bathroom where you two were getting heated. Only problem was that it was at his parent's house and now everyone there probably knew. "Ok. This is ridiculious. At some point we're both going to have to go out there. This party is for us Y/N!" You thought for a minute and nodded. "Ok. Fine. Let's just get this over with!" You took his hand in yours and walked out. In the hallway was Lauren, grinning. "Look at the love birds." She giggled. "I've been waiting for 10 minutes!" "Did you tell mom?" Ashton asked. "Of course not! Mom would freak. I just wanted to let you know that it's ok. And Y/N, I really adore you." You smiled, glad that she didn't think any less of you.

Michael: "Bye babe. I love you." You pecked Michael on the lips and made your way out of his bedroom. It was early in the morning and you were leaving in a hurry to avoid the other boys seeing you. You and Michael hadn't officially come out and said you were together yet. As you were walking to your car you fumbled around with your bag, trying to find your keys. "Shit." You sighed, remembering you'd left your phone in Michael's room. You turned, making your way back to their flat. You quietly knocked on the door, whispering Michael's name, hoping he was still up. "Michael..." You sighed. Instead of waiting you entered, thinking everyone would still be asleep. "Who?" You heard Ashton's voice say. "I don't know." Luke answered back. "I just saw someone walk out of Mikey's room this morning." "These must be hers." Calum added. You froze, afraid of what they'd seen. "Oh, hey Y/N." Ashton had seen you. "What are you doing here so early?" "Oh.. I just.. left my phone here.. uhh last night when we were all hanging out.. all 5 of us.. together." You fumbled over the words, suddenly seeing what they had in their hands. It was your underwear. It must have fallen out of your bag when you were running out. "Oh my God!" Luke laughed, suddenly seeing what was happening. "Are you sure you didn't forget something else?" He winked, holding up the garment. The three of them began to laugh as Michael entered the room. "What's going-- Oh.. Hey Y/N.. Uhh what are you doing here?" "After all these years you two decided to finally hook up!" Ashton patted you on the back. "Welcome to the fam Y/N."

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