#6 Telling Him You're Pregnant

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Michael: "Michael, just quit screaming." You were bawling on the floor. You and Michael were in the middle of your biggest fight yet and you were afraid you were going to lose him. "I just don't get it Y/N. Why do you have to be like this?" "Because you're being like this!" You screamed, standing up and stomping off down the hallway. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He called after you. "Away from you!" You slammed the door, tears rushing down your face, and dropped to the floor. Of course something like this would happen on the day that you were already an emotional wreck. All you wanted to do was tell Michael about the pregnancy, and of course it turned to this. "Y/N open the door." Michael gave a slight knock behind the door. "Why? You're just going to get mad at me again." You screamed. "I won't" He replied calmly. "Just please open the door." You thought for a minute and stood, unlocking the door. "What is it you wanted to tell me?" He asked sincerely when you opened. "I don't know if I should. Not when we're screaming at each other like this." You walked to the edge of the bed, and sat, placing your head in your hands. "Y/N, I'm over it. This was a stupid fight. I don't even really know why we're even fighting anymore.." He sat next to you, sighing. "Please, Y/N." You looked up at him. "I'm pregnant." You mumbled, disappointed in yourself. How could you let this happen? "Pregnant.. Wow.. I--" "You're mad aren't you." You scoffed. "Y/N just stop. I'm not. In fact I'm the complete opposite of mad. I just.. How are we going to raise a baby when we can't even agree on which shelf the milk is supposed to be on in the fridge?" Now that he repeated the reason of your fight, it sounded completely ridiculous. You sighed, making your way to him and sitting on his lap. "I guess we're just going to have to find a different shelf, aren't we?" You smiled. "I couldn't be happier about being a dad, and I couldn't be happier that you're going to be it's mom.

Ashton: "Y/N. What are you doing here?" Ashton's expression changed to anger when he saw you standing behind the door he just opened. "I just.. needed to talk to you." You sighed. It had been four weeks since the two of you broke up, and it did not end on good terms. "Then tell me." He huffed. "Ash, please.. just let me inside." He rolled his eyes and pulled open the door wider, allowing you in. You walked into the living room, sitting on the couch. He sat on the lounger across from you, not letting up on the angry face. "What?" He said. You sighed, preparing yourself for what you had to say. "Ashton, I know we didn't end on good terms and that you're still mad but--" "If you want to get back together than you can just forget it." "Just listen to me." You snapped back. "I'm not saying we need to get back together or anything.. It's just.. I'm pregnant. And it's yours." You bowed you head, looking at your fingers in your lap. "But we haven't done anything in--" "7 weeks." You finished for him. He sat there dumbfounded. What was there for him to say really? "Anyways. I just thought I'd let you know." You stood, making your way back to the door. "Bye Ash." You walked out slamming the door behind you. As you walked down the steps to your car the tears filled your eyes. He could have at least stopped me. You thought. You fumbled with your keys, trying to get out of the rain that was starting to come down. "Y/N. WAIT." Ashton called from his porch. You looked up to see him standing there. "You don't even care, do you?" You screamed to him, opening your car door and climbing in. You watched as he ran down the stairs and to the passenger window. "Open the door!" He yelled. You shook your head, letting the tears fall. "Open it!" He said, this time harsher. You decided to give him a chance and pressed the unlock button. He climbed in, drenched from the rain. "You really think I don't care?" His big brown eyes looked into yours. "No. I don't. Otherwise you would have stopped me from walking out the door." "You walk in and tell me something like that and just expect me to know exactly what to say?" You then realized that maybe you should have given him a bit more time. "Fuck." He sighed, slumping into his chair. "What do you want from me?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. "Ashton, if you don't want anything to do with this baby then I'll just leave. No questions asked. But I do think you deserved to know. What you do with it is your choice." You watched as he ran his fingers through his dripping hair, thinking hard. "I can't let you do this on your own, and I don't want you to. I want to be there.. for you and for him." He turned to you, studying your currently flat stomach. "It could be a girl.." You sighed, trying to lighten the mood. "Whatever it is, I love it. And I love you. Why don't we give us another try?" He looked at you, searching or the answer he wanted. "But you just said that--" "I know what I said. But trying to get over you is the hardest thing I've done in my whole life and I just.. can't. I guess I thought by ignoring your calls and being mad at you that somehow it would make it easier. But It didn't. I am still in love with you." Your heart dropped as the words escaped his lips. "I still love you too." You weakly admitted. "Then it's settled. We're having a baby... together."

Luke: "No you're not." Luke looked at you intensely. "I am." You looked back, unable to read his feelings. "But how..?" "I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that one." You scoffed. Luke was in the states while you were back home in Australia. You decided that it was time to tell him since you found out three weeks ago, and the only way to do that was a skype session. "I'm due May 7th, which means you should be here." Luke was stunned, sitting in silence. A few minutes passed until he finally spoke. "So.. Uhm.. This means that.. It was the night before.." "Yea. The night before you left. That would be the night.." You laughed, remembering how fun that night was. "Well, huh. Does anyone else know?" Luke was letting up a little. "Just my parents." His eyes grew wide. "Your dad is going to murder me." You grinned at the thought of the conversation your dad would surely want to have with Luke. "Probably, but it's too late now. This is happening." You two smiled at each other, and then Niall walked in. "Y/N! HI!" Niall waved at you through the computer screen. "Nialler! Hey! Been too long mate!" "I agree!" He gave Luke's head a shake. "What are you two kids talking about?" You and Luke both chuckled a little. You nodded when Luke looked for the ok sign. "How do you feel about being an uncle?" Luke turned to Niall. "Well, I'm kind of already an uncle.. You know.. Theo--" Niall stopped, realizing what was happening. "MY GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" He screamed. "SHHH!" You and Luke said in unison. "Wow! Congrats guys!" You heard someone call for the two of them from somewhere off the screen. "Listen, Y/N, I gotta go. But we'll talk about little bean later tonight, ok?" Luke blew you a kiss. "Good luck babe!" You kissed back. You couldn't wait until he got home so you two could really start your family together.

Calum: "What do you want from the bar?" Cal stood from his place at the table, waiting for your response. "Uhh.. Nothing. I'm fine." You smiled back. "You sure? Not even a glass of wine?" "No, I'm fine." "Maybe a mar--" "CAL!!" You laughed. "Honestly, I'm fine." The rest of the boys sat around the table, staring as you and Cal conversed. "Ok. Ok. Fine! Anyone else want anything?" They all shook their heads, pointing to their own drinks. Cal walked away, and then came the questions. "Ok. What the hell is up with you? You haven't partied all week." Luke started interrogating you and the other boys watched. " "Just.. not in the party mood I suppose!" You shrugged it off, taking a bite from your plate."Uh huh. Sure." Michael interjected. "Seriously, what's the deal?" Ashton nudged you in the shoulder. "Guys. I really don't think that--" "You're pregnant, huh?!" Luke blurted out. The pasta that was in your mouth suddenly began to choke you with the bluntness of Luke's statement. "Of course not-- Ok. How the hell did you guys know?" They all laughed, giving each other high fives. "You're always sick, you've been eating like crazy and you've refused to touch a drink.. Not to mention the fact that you're extra moody lately and--" "Ok! Ok. I get it." You stopped Ashton before he got too carried away. "Listen guys! Don't say anything to Cal about--" "Don't say anything to Cal about what?" Suddenly Calum was standing next to you. "Hey!" You awkwardly laughed. "What kind of drink did you get?" You asked, trying to avoid his question. "Just a beer.. what are you not supposed to tell me?" You looked at the three boys who were trying their hardest not to burst out laughing. "Oh, nothing. the boys are just being.. immature." Calum slid in next to you. "Seriously! Guys. Tell me." You shook your head, not wanting to tell Calum about his child in the middle of a crowded restaurant, where everyone was already staring because of your famous friends. "Cal! Drop it! We can talk about it later!" "NO! I want to know now!" By this point the other three were hysterically laughing. "You dicks.." You sighed. "Calum.. I'm.. pregnant." He looked at you, a smile spreading across his face. He shyly looked away from you, his face turning the color of bubblegum. "I kinda thought you were." He laughed. "MY GOD DID ALL OF YOU KNOW?!" You placed your head on the table. "We all kinda guessed." Michael chuckled. "But hey, on the brightside we're going to have a mini Cashmoney!" Calum rubbed circles into your back, placing a kiss on your head. "We're NOT calling our child that!" You groaned. The five of you spent the rest of the night discussing mini Cashmoney.

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