#17 Young Love

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Michael: "Goodnight Mom. I love you." "Goodnight sweetie." She called after you down the hallway as you made your way into your bedroom, closing and locking the door behind you. You quickly pulled your hoodie over your head and shoved your phone in your pocket, then turned out the light. Outside waiting for you was your boyfriend Michael. Through your cracked window you crawled down the tree next to the house, careful not to be seen through your sisters bedroom window. "There you are." Michael whispered as you jumped down from the last branch. His hands snaked around your waist. "I thought you'd never come." "Shh. Come on let's go." Your parents had never approved of you dating Michael. You were 17 and still in school, and he was in a world famous band. They didn't want you doing anything dumb, but even more so they didn't want your heart getting broken. So, instead of telling them how it was going to be you decided to keep up the good girl act, and put on a happy face for them. Even though you were still in love with and seeing Michael. "I wrote a song for you... I mean.. About you.." Michael smirked as you guys walked through the park. "About me? Really. Spill it Clifford. Sing it to me." "I can do you one better. I can play it for you. It's going on the next album. We've already decided." He smiled and pulled his phone from his pocket. "Wow. Don't I feel special." You giggled and the song began to play. "Ok, not even fair. We haven't even done anything in a library!" You protested as Good Girls ended. Michael began to laugh as he pulled you in for a hug. "You did tell me that, though." He stated. "Told you what?" "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." "Right, well I have you to thank for that one." You said as you crashed your lips into his.

Luke: You were waiting out on your porch for Luke to arrive. He promised that he'd take you out for your birthday, however he was two hours late. "God Damnit Luke I'm cold." You mumbled under your breath, blowing on your hands in attempt to warm them up. "Y/N?" You heard your mom's voice behind you in the doorway. "Sweetie, why don't you come in the house?" "No, mom. He's coming." You angerly replied. She sighed and sat down on the steps next you you, running a hand across your back. "Sweetie, I know you think you love him, but he's just a boy. You two are only 17 and I don't think you should be so hung up on him. There's so many boys out there to choose from." You looked up at her, tears forming in your eyes. "Mom, I know we're young, but I love him. I've never felt like this before about anyone." You continued to cry, thinking about how much you wanted Luke to prove her wrong and show her that this was more than just some teenage fling. You sat crying for a few minutes, your mom rubbing circles on your back, until you heard a car pull up in front of your house. You looked up to see Luke frantically exiting the car an running towards you, flowers and a present in hand. "Oh my God, Y/N. I am so sorry." He approached you, getting down on his knees in front of the steps you sat on. "I was with the boys... and I lost all track of time. I knew I shouldn't have gone with them but I did and now I'm late and oh my God you're crying I'm so sorry I just can't even-" "LUKE." You yelled, trying to shut him up. "It's ok. I forgive you." You stood from the steps and walked to him, helping him stand up and wrapped him in a hug. "Do you still want to go to dinner?" "I'd love to. Bye mom." You smiled back at her and took Luke's hand as he walked you to the car. "Ahh, young love." You didn't hear your dad say to your mom from the door way to the house. "Isn't that right? Remember when we were their age?" "ahh, let's not go there!" They both laughed, making their way back into the house.

Ashton: You and Ashton sat on the edge of your bed thinking. His hand was tangled in yours, and you both had an iron grip. "What are we going to do?" You managed to get out, a tear falling from your eyes. "Get through this. We have to." He calmly replied, moving his thumb to your cheek and wiping away a tear. "How can I tell my parents? I'm only 17, and you're barely 19. What are we going to do with a baby?" You looked up at him, crying harder now. "I told you, Y/N. We can do this. We have to. I'm here for you, and I love you. We've made it through being apart, and all those stupid rumors, we can make it though this." "Y/N?" You heard your mom call out. "Now is as good of a time as any." You sighed, standing and dragging Ashton with you to the kitchen where your mom was unloading the groceries. "Hi sweetie!" She smiled before noticing you were crying. "What's wrong?" "Mom, I made a mistake." She stopped what she was doing and looked at you. "Y/N..." She sighed. "I'm pregnant." You blurted out, not knowing how else to say it. She stared at the two of you for a minute before saying anything. "What are you going to do?" She asked. "I'm going to help her through this." Ashton said before you could reply. "But you're always gone on tour. You're hardly here as it is Ashton. What makes you two think you can handle a baby? She's still in school. She's got-" "With all due respect Mrs. Y/L/N. I know that this isn't ideal, but I love her. And she loves me. And we're going to get through this. We may be young, but that doesn't change the fact that I want to spen the rest of my life with her."

Calum: "You just don't understand!" You screamed, slamming the door to your bedroom. "Listen up young lady." Your dad burst through your door, almost pulling it off the hinges in the progress. "You still live in my house and that means you will live by my rules! And that means you will get rid of that smart ass boyfriend of yours!" He was red with anger, and you were balling in the middle of your room. "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME." You screamed back, pushing past him and walking out into the living room. Calum was standing there watching as you and your parents battled it out. "Calum," You cried, crashing your body into his, but he pushed you away. "What, what's wrong?" You asked as he held your body away from his. "If you know what's good for you you'll get out of my house." You father appeared in the living room, now yelling at Calum. "Listen Y/N. He's right. We should just end this. I'm no good for you. You can do so much bett-" "NO." You screamed, pulling away from his grip. "You're just saying that because of him! We love each other Cal. You and I both know it." "That's why I have to leave." He admitted. "I've gotta go." With that he began walking out the front door. "YOU CAN"T JUST LEAVE." You called after him, crying hysterically. When you saw he wasn't turning around you began to get angry. "Fine. Just throw away everything we ever had. You're a jack ass!" You didn't mean it, but it just came out. Your insides felt like they were being ripped to shreads as his car drove away. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I HATE YOU." You yelled your final words at your dad before storming out the front door. What were you going to to without Calum?

Calum's though... Ugh the feels. I didn't actually write his. My fantabulous friend Lindey did. So blame her for the feels.

Well now that that's done with I'm bored. Like, sitting-in-my-room-have-been-watching-netflix-all-day bored. Summer kinda blows. :P

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