#28 Angry Sex

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Ashton: He always had a thing for the way your eyebrows frowned and your nose crinkled when you were angry. So, in the middle of your biggest fight yet he couldn't help but be turned on. You were a little scared at first when he pinned you up against the wall, worried you had unleashed something inside him you had yet to see. But quickly realized when he whispered "Fuck me" into your ear that he wanted you, and you wanted him too. It was rough, and unlike anything you two had done before, but it was most definitely the best sex you'd ever had.

Luke: It was the twitter hate that had gotten him so upset. Despite the confidence that seemed to exude from him, Luke was actually really self conscious deep down inside. To prevent him from hurting something or someone you pulled him into you when you notice the redness in his face grow. "Don't worry baby. I'll make you forget everything they said." You whisper in his ear as he roughly began to take advantage of you, going harder than ever before to replace the pain with pleasure.

Michael: He's very dominating, and it frustrates him when you don't do what you're told in the bedroom. "Stop throwing your hips Y/N." He growls, forcing you to look into his eyes. "Don't movie unless you're told. Otherwise I'll have to punish you." Honestly, you did it just to piss him off. Because when he was pissed off he always went harder. His thrusts get stronger and your highs reach new levels, so given the chance you do whatever it takes to get on his nerves.

Calum: The second he saw the man from the club lay a hand on you he dragged you off to the bathrooms, locking the door behind you, quickly shoving you up against the wall and pushing his hands roughly against your ass. "No one touches your ass unless it's me. You got that? No one." You whimpered as he pushed himself harder into you, wasting no time pulling up your dress and dropping his pants. "I'm the only one allowed to make you feel like this." He moaned as he brought you both to your highs.

This is the first time I've written something like this, with less dialogue. I've been informed it's called a blurb? Anywho. Let me know what you think and if you like it I'll write more like this (:


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