Author's Note

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Hello! This is going to be my first Mortal Kombat X reader, if you don't like how I write this story then your gonna have to remove this book from your library, or If you're new, don't add.
If I have some grammatical errors please correct me the nice way because some of you don't, just pm me if I have.

Ok, Look, I don't really know how or what their stories are or what clan, I never played this yet, because my mom won't let me Download MKX in our Xbox but I have seen some of their stories.. whatsoever I am writing this just for fun, Please Pm me if you have any problem with me because I will reply right away, (if there is wifi)
And Yeah, I hope you really enjoy this story,
Please vote if you liked it and if you want any random story go to my profile and check my books, if you don't like any of them then, it's fine, okay good bye :)


(COMPLETED) Mortal Kombat X Reader One shots Where stories live. Discover now