Scorpion x Revenant {Request}

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=a request by @kalliope118=

Scorpion's P.O.V

I miss her. Y/n, why? Why did she die? Fuck. I'm so fucking depressed. I can't fight for another night. I can't crush skulls or break bones...i should be doing those stuff, and enjoy it. With y/n. I sighed and hot up looking at myself in the mirror.
I walked outside and saw Quan Chi, along wih the revenants. While looking at them, I sort of landed my eyes on a familiar person. Y/n. "Y/n?!" I yelled. Then she looked at me, those eyes. Still her's.. she is still inside there!!
"Y/n! Y/n babe, can you hear me?" I went in front of her cupping her cheek. "H-Hanz--Betrayer!" She said narrowing her eyes at me. I took a step back and gasped. "I-I did nothing!" "Yes you did" she said. "You left me!!" She began to cry. "Hanzo, why did you do that. Hmm?" Quan Chi joined and asked "i did nothing!" I retorted. Getting a bit angry. I ran to y/n and hugged her "i would never leave someone who I love" I said patting her back... letting her cry into my arms sobbing, I felt something. Somehing painful, it hit my stomach.

Your P.O.V

You cried into his arms, fakingly. And got to your sesnes stabbing him on the stomach. Dead, Finally. You stood up firmly and pushed him, laying on the ground, "we have a new companion now, thank you y/n" Quan chi said. You nodded. "No prob" you smiled.
But there was still a part of you that loves him, so you did that. And he would be with you..

--(nope, even though you liked this... no part two.okie, lets check ze list! *checks list* next Reptile and ermac!!)--

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