Smoke X Reader

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Your P.O.V

"would you please stop smoking SMOKE?!" You yelled annoyed. "I can't And I won't! I'm smoke! I make smoke!" (Just made that up, I don't really know if he smokes.)
"Well I don't care! Your lungs will be filled with smoke and you'll die!" You exclaimed.
He arched his left eyebrow. "this lady is concerned eh?" He teased "N-No!" You blushed. "I-I don't like people dying!" You retorted "Y/n, You've killed thousands of people." He stated. Smirking
"You are concerned about me eh?" He teased again. "Sh-Shut up!!" You raised your voice.
But then. You felt lips on yours. It was Smoke. He just kissed you.  Then you both pulled away. You blushed redder than ever. "What was that for?!" You yelled. "Because I'm concerned about you too! What is your problem lady?" He asked. "N-Nothing" your eyebrow twitched.
"wanna be my girlfriend though?" He asked.
"A-Are you asking me out?" You asked "What do you think I'm asking you?" He asked.
You paused for a moment. "Well, Yes." You replied.

--(Hahaha :3 this is so Annoying and awesome at the same time Lol please request me if u want more of these and yeahhh :3 BUYYYEEE!)--

(COMPLETED) Mortal Kombat X Reader One shots Where stories live. Discover now