Kung Jin x Outworlder Reader {Request}

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=Requested by kalliope118! Surprised I didn't forget huh?=

Your P.O.V

"Y/n... you must not make any eye contact with the Earthrealmers!!!" Someone said. You nodded and did your thing... later on
They came. With one girl that's hair was into cornbraids.. one with a bandana and who's body is full of armor, One girl that's clothes were spec ops and finally, a-- "y/n! Stay away!" Your bestfriend whisper-shouted. "Sorry!!" You whispered back taking one good look at the guy.
He sort of noticed you and smiled. You didn't do anything, you were shocked.
You moved a bit and waved, with a smile. He winked and continued walking. Your eyes fluttered. And your heart beat was pounding.
Then you felt someone grabbed your arm pulling you inside the house. "Are you crazy?!" Your bestfriend asked shaking you back and forth "n-no! I was just looking! H-he winked at me!" You retorted "yeah, all explanations... ugh... when will you ever learn y/n?" She asked facepalming.
"I dunno" you whimpered leaving going to your father Kotal Kahn. (Tha magic!! :D)
"Father who are they?" You asked. "Earthrealmers" he replied. You took out your phone and listened to some music. Writing stories online. After Listening for one hour you turned off your phone and looked at your father who was kneeling in front of the man you saw earlier "go ahead, be done with me" Kotal said. "nooo!!" You yelled running in front of him, giving the man a deah glare. "I'm not going to kill him, don't worry" he smirked. "Good" you hissed narrowing your eyes on him. Helping your father up, "are they our ally now?" "Yes" you looked at the man and gave him a low growl.

--later (because imma bitch XD)--

You went to a cliff where everything was tame. You sat down on the grass and listened to the bird's chirping, that was music into your ears "hey" he started
You quickly turned around and saw him. "Your a brave girl huh?" He continued walking towards you. You breathed heavily backing away. "Eek!!" You screeched and closed your eyes, but instead of falling and felt the wind. You felt an arm around your waist.
You opened your eyes and saw him, wrapping his hand aroung your waist. "You okay?" He asked. "Y-yeah...." you were breathing heavily. Damn, that was close.
"Please watch your step next time" he smiled. "Yeah.." you replied
Both of you were staring at eachother... you finally got to yourself and blinked repeatedly and bowed your head pulling away "I-I need to go" you stuttered walking away... but something stopped you "What's your name?" He asked "y/n" you replied. "Beautiful... see you around... y/n" he winked.
You giggled a bit and continued walking away

--(next, Takeda!!)--

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