Scorpion X reader Lemon {request}

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=this chapter was requested by.. someone who commented on my wall. Sorry I can't tag. Too tired but enjoy=

Your P.O.V

"Hanzo.. I'll be sleeping next to your..... room.. okay?" You asked. He looked atmyou surprised. But nodded. "Um hey.. y/n.. what about next to me?" He asked scratching his nape. "Sure.." you replied. Giggling

--later that night--

"Goodnight." He said holding you close. "Night" you replied cuddling with him...
Then moments later you both fell asleep

"WERE BEING ATTACKED!!!" One of the Shirai ryus yelled. You both got up.
Looking at eachother. "What!?" He yelled. Leaving the room. "Stay here." He said. Closing the door behind him. "I hope you'll be okay." You whimpered. "AARRGHHH!!!"" someone yelled breaking the window beside you. "Aaah!!" You yelled, being grabbed by the ankles. "HANZ--" You blacked out.

"Huh? W-where.... am I?" You asked. Your vision being blurry. "You are in the Lin Kuei temple y/n.." a familiar voice said. Hoping it was Hanzo.. you vision finally came back and you saw Kuai.. "W-what am i doing here?" You asled looking around. "You are here to become one of the Lin kuei.." he said. "What?! B-But.. I'm part of the Shirai ryu!! What is your problem!?" You exclaimed. "It is not my fault.. it is theirs" he said pointing at Raiden. "I'm sorry y/n... it must be done." He said placing a hand on your shoulder. "B-But.. Hanzo.." you whimpered. "Hanzo.. doesn't know.. about this... and he must not." Raiden said, "but why?!" You said. "It is against your will." He said.
You sniffled.

On the next day.. you started training with the grandmaster sub-Zero. "I don't like this" you said with a frown on your face. "I know you don't.. but you must" he said

Scorpion's P.O.V

Last night was supposed to be perfect! Where is she?! This is the second day she had been lost. "WHERE IS SHE?!" I Yelled pounding my fist on the table. "We do not know.. master Hasashi" one of the Shirai Ryus said. "FIND HER! NO MATTER WHAT!!" I yelled anger rising up. "Yes" they said and left me alone in the room.. "I will find you... no matter what" I whispered to myself looking at my map.

Your P.O.V

I miss him.. you thought. You wanted to be with him again. You loved him... but.. you didn't know if he liked you back. "Y/n.. it is time.." Kuai said. You sniffled once more and nodded. You were going to attack again. Tonight.

I hope he won't recognize me fighting him.. you thought. You wore the Li Kuei suit and looked at the mirror "I can do this." You whispered to yourself covering your mouth with the mask.

You went out your room and went with the Lin Kuei assassins.

Scorpion's P.O.V

"We must find her!" I said. They nodded and walked out again. I looked at the map. Then someone burst in.. thinking it was y/n it was the Shirai Ryu assassins.. "Master! The Lin Kuei is about to attack!" He reported. "Ready the others!" I said. And walked out with him.

Once I did all my assassins were fignting with them. One Lin Kuei assassin was standing there.. looking at me. He looked familiar. He reminds me of y/n.. wait.. "Y/N!" I yelled running to her. She was surprised and ran into the woods,

Your P.O.V

Shit! He caught me!! You thought running far away. "Y/N!!" He yelled. "No!!" You yelled back. But you felt his hook wrap around you. "GET OVER HERE!!" He said. You were brought closer to him. "No please no!!" You exclaimed shutting your eyes waiting for the pain to come but.. a pair of lips greeted you. Then he pulled away. "I misses you" he said hugging you, you were surprised but you hugged back.

You both went back and saw the Lin Kuei has left. You hugged him tight while walking afraid someone might take you away from you.. but no one did.

"Why did you become part of the Lin Kuei?!" He exclaimed realizing what you just did.. "I-I.." you stuttered "I will punish you for your betrayal." He said. "What?!" You exclaimed. He ripped your clothes off leaving you naked. You covered yourself but he took your hands and put it above you. He removed him trousers showing his long hard member... he positioned himself and thrusted inside you. "Your so tight!" He exlcaimed slowly moving in and out. "Mmm-- ahh!" You moaned.. and begged him to go faster.

He did and pleasure went all over you two.. you finally felt this familiar knot on your stomach and you both cummed.

--(this is a long one... well.. hope ya enjoy! Please if you have a request comment down below and I'll add that on my list.)--

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