Reptile X Reader first meeting {Request}

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=ok, this is finally updated! Requested by @ZakuroQuintero, hope you enjoy!

Your P.O.V

Kotal announced that you all would go to the beach of course you were new, you don't know anyone. Except for D'Vorah. "D, did you pack your stuff now?" You asked. "Yes.. now that we will sit beside those two idiots.." she crossed her arms annoyed at her thought. "Wait, you mean there's more?" You asked. "Well, you will have to see them for yourself." She said. Smirking placing all the bags in the trunk of the car.

▪▪▪at the beach▪▪▪

"This one is so glad we did not ride with them!!" She exclaimed smelling the fresh air
"Yeah.." you replied disappointed. "You aren't going to swim?" You asked. "This one is afraid of water, this one's bugs might die." She shivered sitting on the sand. Then you put on a f/c swimsuit. (Not a two piece, me no like sexy sexy... *shivers*) that showed your side waists. (Heheheh) then you let all your hair down, making you more sexy. But. You wrapped a towel around you. So no other people will whistle and cause trouble. Then, glancing behind your shoulder you see a cowboy, who had no top. But he had a cowboy hat. And another person, maybe not a person? You couldn't describe him but all you knew he was attracting.

When you realized he saw you, you quickly glanced back at the shore and sat beside D'Vorah. " is b-beautiful huh?" You asked shaking. "Yes, yes it is.. that's why this one brought a Camera!!" She yelled snatching the camera out of her bag. "LOL! D'Vorah when did you get the time to buy a camera?" The man laughed. He was pretty cute when he laughed. Then finally, Kotal came. "The place is beautiful, yes?" He asked. Then you all nod. You sat beside D'Vorah, the cute person sat beside you followed by the cowboy. "H-hey.." he said. "H-hi.." you replied shyly hiding your face.

"Are you new?" He asked. "Y-yeah.." you replied, "since when?" He asked "One week ago" you replied then D'vorah stood up "WE LEFT ERMAC!!!!!" She yelled panicking. "We are here!!!" Ermac yelled smacking D'Vorah's head making you giggle. "Cute" he said "hmm?" You looked at him then he cleared his throat. Nothing... um.. what's your name?" "Y/n, you?" "Reptile.." he replied "I like your name" you giggled. "Wow, I thiught you would say it's weird" "Yeah its weird, but I think it's cute" you said resting your head on his shoulder.

"You wanna go for a swim?" He asked, "sure!!" You smiled. Standing up removing the towel and look at him "come on!" You exclaimed. "Y-Yeah...." he blushed, seeing your
Well-fit body. Those curves tho!! Then finally he stood up. You smiled and ran to the beach. Flying up, you dived downwards to the water creating a big splash. "Wow, sheesh, that girl is HOT!" Reptile exclaimed swimming towards you, "Did I ever tell you that you were beautiful?" He asked. "Nope" you smiled "what about... your cute?" He asked, "nope~!" You made a kawaii face "Okay, did I ever tell you you're hot?" He asked. "Yeah!" You smiled swimming in front of him placing both arms around his neck.

"WHAT? WHEN?" He exclaimed. "You just told me now" you giggled pressing your lips against his, "wow, no venom?" You pulled away smiling. "I-I can control... my venom..." he stuttered. "Oh," you replied. Then kissed him again.

--(okay!! Who's next? Lol, isn't that scorpion's fatality? Nah, correct me if I'm wrong. IM NOT SURE. So anyways... If you have a requesr, just comment down below and I'll add that on my list. Bye!)--

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