Erron black x Yandere Reader {Request}

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=Requested by @Harley_Black hope you enjoy!=

Your P.O.V

You sharpened your knife with a stone. Then you placed your knife on the table, alligned with the other knives and daggers..
You felt those footsteps, so you took a dagger. But, you remained seatyoued. The door slowly opened and you threw the dagger straight to it. "Woah y/n, It's me Erron!" He said with wide eyes. "Oops!" You giggled.
He went inside and looked at you. "So, what do you want?" You asked. "N-Nothing.. Nice room though" he said looking around, your Katanas, hanging. Collection of tranquilizers. A picture of your enemy. You threw a dagger at it. "So.. you went here to...?" "See you" he replied. Then you raised an eyebrow. "You have a plan, I can feel it." You said, "no, I don't" he retorted.
You wrinkled your nose and stood up going to your cabinet. Then you removed your shirt, changing it with a tank top.
Imagining Erron wasn't there, "So your just going to change clothes in front of me... huh?" He said, "I have my underwear bro, I ain't that girly" you said and closed your cabinet tossing the dirty clothe in the humper "why would you wear that?" He asked. "Because my room is hot, there's no air." You said
Not knowing the whole time he was looking at your waist, so curved.
"Do you want to do outside?" He asked, "sure" you said bringing 5 daggers. Just in case.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked. Then he stopped. Looking at you,  
He slowly removed his mask and leaned in kissing you softly. You kissed him back and felt the fireworks in your stomach. You slowly pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back which was cute for you so you kissed him again.

On the next day, you two were finally together. You never thought of it how a gentleman he was. He brought you to Earthrealm and showed you stuff. Until
"Hey there Erron!" A girl squealed. She ran in front of him and sat on top of him ignoring you. Then, she removed his mask and kisses him. Erron was kind of trying to push her but, he's a gentleman. He doesn't fight girls.
You were pisses bro, pissed. You finally stood up and pulled her hair. Dragging her to a fountain. And forced her head into the water. Then you arised her head. "You can clearly see that Erron has a girlfriend. Then you ignore me and kiss him, who do you fucking think i am?!" You said forcing her head onto the water again. Taking her life. "You just killed someone" Erron said placing his mask back.  "Yeah, I don't care" you replied.

--(cute -w- u just killed a slut, be proud.)--

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