Takeda X Reader

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Your P.O.V

While you were bored, you decided to take a walk in the woods, you walked and walked until you saw Takeda, he was your bestfriend, since you both were eight Takeda had no Mother and his Father was not with him.

"Umm Takeda, is that You?"  You asked a bit nervous. Well, yep! It was him, he was practicing the whip that looked like a spinal cord (LOL NO OFFENSE TAKEDA GIRLS)  he threw the whip again and it held  a tree trunk. He did the thing and the tree chopped down "Woah" you stare in awe "Woah! hi Y-y/n! Sorry... I-I never noticed.. Y-you were here!" He stammers..  you giggle giving him a loving smile.he smiles back.

Then all of a sudden Kotal Kahn went in amd hit Takeda but he blocked Kotal Kahn's move without removing his eyes from you you were shocked. "Well done" Kotal said and left "can you teach me?" You ask feeling a bit excited. His smile grew wider and nodded. "C'mere" he said. You walk towards him but because of tht FUCKING STICK you tripped "ahh!" You  shout.

You squeezed your eyes tight knowing Takeda just catched you "Th-Thanks.." You blushed. He chuckles and taught you a few tricks about his whip

"Takeda, thanks for teaching me stuff" you giggle. He smiled and nods. Seriously, he was like a mute, can't talk! But for you it was cute, you tackle him in a hug and he hugs back. You didn't mind the armor that blocked his skin. "Oh Fuck Me!!!" Someone cursed. You tilt to your head to see it was Cassie hiding in the bushes holding a VIDEO CAMERA you widen your eyes and used Takeda's whip to snatch the Camera. You looked at the video and deleted t. You gave the camera back to Cassie "Dammit!" She cursed. You smiled "Fast learner eh?" Takeda teased. You looked at him and he kissed you, you were back there but, you kinda liked it
You gave him back the kiss and you both started a hot make-out session

--(huff! The immatureness.. HAHAHAHAH Please Request Okay? I am really bored even thought I am now working on four books)--

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