Raiden X Reader

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Your P.O.V

You were sitting beside Raiden, your.... Crush (hehhehe :3) But it's weird though that you had liked a God! I mean, A god, paired with a normal girl ugh!
That's weird! You didn't want to confess, plus, what if he was betrothed or something? You didn't want to mess anything up.
"Are you alright, dear y/n?" Raiden asked.
You looked at him and shaked your head "n-no thunder god" you stammered. "Well, you don't look fine, do you have a problem?" He asked "n-no!" You said blushing "why did your face become red?" He asked "what!?" You exclaimed covering your face with a pillow "then why shall you hide from me?" He asked
"Mecaush i ah uhly wen i ah reh" your muffled voices was caused by the pillow on your mouth.
"What?" He asked. "I saaaiid because I am ugly when I'm red!" You repeated blushing more "there you go again, being red" he said chuckling "mmmmfff" you hummed being kissed by the Thunder God aka Raiden. Hahahah~ Electricity went down your spine as you blushed more.
"There now will you calm down?" He asked smiling "Y-yes" your voice became a whisper.
Then hearing his laugh what made you blush even red that the red.

--(hello what is up gamers friends and fans? It's your buddy skull here! Hahah~ just kidding. Only JT Machinima fans will understand! Well, I'm still waiting for requests guys!)--

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