Hanzo X Devil's assasin reader {request}

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=Requested by @OsirisBlackwater=

Your P.O.V

"I want you kill him for me" the Devil said. You reamined your head down. "Yes master" you stuttered wallking away. "And, Bring his head." He added. Stopping your tracks, you said yes and continued walking outside, closing the gigantic doors.
Leaving your master with a smirk plastered on his face.
But something stopped you from walking, "oh, and y/n." He called. You turned around and looked at him. "Bring me his head." He said with an evil smile,
You sighed and nodded continuing the walk.
You went to your room and looked at yourself in the mirror

Just a quick note from the author:
Before you continue, You have to know your appearance. You have devil wings. No horns, a tail that looks like a lion but is controllable and.... hm... do you like (any color) neon eyes? Your choice, anyway. Continue!

You sighed "why me?!" You muttered to yourself going to your bed. Lying down. "Ugh" you cursed spinning on your bed. "Stupid wings" you muttered again annoyed.
Sat up and curled folded your wings properly you could finally sleep. Minutes, hours later, you woke up. You quickly got dressed and walked outside. Seeing your companions one of your batch-demons passed by "good luck killing that ass y/n!" She said you thanked her and went to the roof where the demon assassins also were.
You all looked at eachother and nodded in unison widening all your demonic wings you all flew to your victims. No one was going the same direction as you, so you sighed and flew faster.. flapping your wings gently, you landed softly and quietly on the Shirai ryu clan's roof. You closed your wings and crawled to the wall and peeked at the window, there he was. Sitting. You narrowed your eyes and put your mask on which was only showing your eyes. You went in and dresses as one of the shirai ryu assassins
You walked into his room, he was kind of asleep? You weren't sure. You walked towards him. And wrapped your arm around his neck so he couldn't breathe. "Y-y/n! S-stop!!" He choked. You widened your eyes, surprised he knew your name
You suddenly let go and took a step back locking the door. Waiting for him to stand, but he was still coughing. Finally he turned around, it was really him "h-how do you know I'm here?!" You hissed. Making your tail hug your left leg. "My assassins, have told me" he said holding his neck gently, "how do you know my name?!" You asked. "Lucky, I guess?" He chuckled. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I-I was sent here. To kill you" you stuttered. "I don't think so." He said chuckling grabbing you by the waist pulling you closer.
Looking deeply into your eyes he kissed you, leaving you kissing back.
Then you widened your eyes and pushed him away. "Are you tricking me?!" You asked annoyed. "No, why should I?" He asked. A bit upset.
You narrowed your eyes one more time and took a few steps closer. Holding his left cheek you cupped them and kissed him. He kissed back leaving the two of you to have a hot make out session, without breaking the kiss he carried you and let you sit on his desk while he remains standing. Then you pull away biting your lips. Giggling. your wings were almost out of control due to the kiss.
He smiled at you and went down, removing your shirt and--


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