Kotal Kahn X Reader

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--(Note: I read a book. A Ask and Dare book, And a the author likes Kotal Kahn, this is for her..if you know her tag her for me)--

Your P.O.V

"KOTAL KAAAAHHNNN!!!!!!" You yelled. His head popped in the room with a innocent smile "Yes y/n?" He asked. All innocent "WHAT IS THIS KOTAL HEART Y/N?!" You yelled showing him his diary with a


"WHY DID YOU GO THROUGH MY PRIVATE STUFF?" He yelled. "answer my question FIRST" you closed your hands making your knuckles crack "I-I like you okay? And You don't seem to like me back so Why ARE YOU GOING THROUGH MY PRIVATE STUFF??" He exclaimed "BECAUSE I WANNA FIGURE OUT WHY YOUR HELMET IS ON!!!" You yelled back. Walking towards him. "BECAUSE IT'S A SECRET!" He yelled back holding his helmet protectively. "whatever!" You yelled and slapped him. With a kiss.
"Mmmm" he hummed. You placed both arms around his shoulder and continued the kiss "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?" He asked "I already did So called Emperor of the Outworld!!" You exclaimed "really? When?" He asked "Now, you dummy!" You exclaimed continuing the kiss.

--(Hi! Sorry it's short! The next chapter would be a Takeda X Reader Smut/Lemon! :3)--

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