Liu Kang X Reader

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Your P.O.V

Both you and Liu Kang have already been dating for awhile, this time you go to Outworld, Liu Kang wanted you to have fun...
Killing people. He led you to a corner where you heard people screaming. You didn't want to ruin the surprise so you shut your eyes. "And.. Open!" Liu Kang whispered.
You realized he just led you into a fighting match where people fight. And Ending the Fight would be killing your opponent. And the best part was, You were next!
"Liu I can't believe you brought me here!" You exclaimed hugging him with the Joy in your eyes. "Next Challenger!! Y/N L/N!!" The host dictated. You went in the ring where the audience laughed at you. You put your hand on your hip and put your chin up, You wanted to show Liu Kang your new trick. You ripped off our clothes making you wear

A swim suit-like dress and you had those sleeves on your arms. You looked at Liu Kang who was surprised. You looked at your Opponent who had big muscles and razor sharp teeth, this guy didn't even scare a shit outta you. You smirked at him.
"READY....... FIGHT!!" The host yelled. He started charging towards you punching you.
You laughed and dodged his hit. You grabbed his fist and turned around breaking it. You were having so much fun.


"Finish Him! Finish him!" The crowd yelled looking at you. You smiled and gave your opponent a glare. He growled at you. This was it. You grabbed his neck and ripped it off. Looking at it you shoved it in his mouth, you remembered you done Liu Kang's Fatality and Boy were you happy.

You ended the fight and went out the ring with a bloody smile. Liu Kang ran to you and hugged you "You were beautiful back there!" He exclaimed hugging you tighter. "Gosh Liu! I-I'm covered with blood!" You exclaimed. "Oh.. My apologies" he pulled out of the hug still a smile plastered on his face.
"plus, I did not believe you did a Fatality like mine! I love you!" He smiled kissing you. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. You both pulled away. You snapped your fingers bringing your clothes back. But they were clean.
"Come on, let us tell Raiden the good news, after all. That fight was legal right?" He asked putting his arm around your waist.
"Yep" you replied

--(this is so cute Omg. Ermac-Gerd! Speaking of Ermac.. Ermac X Reader anyone?)--

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