Takeda X Reader {Request}

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=Another Awesome Request by @ Mj1247 ^.^ I can't tag.. FML=

Your P.O.V

You and Takeda have been bestfriends, since when? 8 years old, you started having a crush on him around 12 and he never confessed anything to you, except for family secrets, but feelings for you? No. But since you two were brought to the Shirai Ryu and been trained. You shared everything. You two were also Telepaths, more like Soulmates. "Y/n I need your help." Takeda said. "How can you say I love you to the girl who you like but she's not a telepath?" He asked. This hurt you. Annoyed, your insides felt spines and Thorns. "Umm... Just do it like what you do to me, Who is this lucky girl anyway?" You asked. "J-Just.. teach me" He said.
You sighed and taught him stuff.

'I love you y/n l/n' he thought, "but you said she wasn't a telepath?" You asked confused. "Only just to Confuse you~" he said. He held your hand and brought you closer to him. Your face was close to him, but not too close "but I thought you liked Jaqcui? Ever since you laid eyes on her it was like you were flirting with her or something" you said.

"It was only to confuse you." He said smirking. You smiled at him. He smiled back and kissed you, you kissed back and you both pulled away. "Your mine now and you know that." He said. You bit your lips and in the inside you were licking it. "Let's do that one more time aye?" He teased. You giggled and you were on your tiptoes. You kissed him slowly and felt his soft lips. On yours. You both pulled away and went outside.

Where he had his arm around your waist all the time

--(Gosh, what would it feel like to have a boyfriend like him eh?
Requests are still Open Kombaters~!)--

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