Hanzo x suicidal reader {request}

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=requested by @ and yah, this is a lemon ^_^=

Your P.O.V

You were ready to die. So ready. Why?
Because no one, not even your parents. Well, course they wouldn't.
They're dead.
Not even Hanzo. Yeah. Hanzo. He didn't.
You wore your black hoodie. Wearing the hood up. You went to the tallest Shirai ryu tower. And went to on the roof.

You went to the edge.

And looked down.

Ready to die.

Cus you were depressed and shit

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. But before you jumped...

You heard a voice.

"Y/n!" He yelled.

But you ignored him, knowing it was obviously Hanzo.

"Y/n, NO!!" He yelled again.

You huffed and took half-an-inch step forward. Almost slipping on the bricks.
"Goodbye" you whispered to yourself closing your eyes.
But no..

You didn't die.

You wanted to fall off the tower.

But instead, you lived and felt muscular arms wrap around your waist from behind, you didn't know who it was. Probably one of the guards. You ignored the person again and struggled to break free from the person's grasp. But he still wouldn't.
So you scratched his arm and broke free.. seeing the person it was Hanzo.. "stay away!" You exclaimed. "Y/n, no.. stop" he said you furrowed your eyebrows and stormed going down the tower. Then after.. you shut your door.
You cried. Then you grabbed your knife. Sliding it against your arm. "It's not like anyone cares, right?" You asked yourself. Giggling.
Then you heard your knob twist. You quickly hid your knife and covered your arm. "Y/n" Hanzo muttered. "No, Go AWAY." You warned "I don't want to.." "why not?!" "Because.....because...I-I lo-love you..." "like i care" you muttered looking away
Then you took out your knife. "Y/n, what. Are. You. Gonna do with that,." He asked. Closing the door, locking it. Just in case you would escape "Oh this?" You smirked showing him your bloody knife. "I Was just gonna practice how to die." You giggled.

You quickly tried to stab yourself. But before you felt pain. He suddenly took the knife out of your hands throwing it away. Then kissed you.

A bit surprised, you kissed back.

Then you heard him smirk through he kiss.

Until he licked your bottom lip. Which you denied, he grabbed your ass. Causing you to gasp, gave him the chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. Fighting for dominance. He won. He pulled away and looked at you. "I told you I did" he smirked. You giggled and kissed him. Continuing the make-out session. Hen he carried you and placed you on the bed not breaking the kiss. Until he got ontop of you. You wrapped your legs around his torso while he pulled away. Moving to your neck.
Finding out your sweet spot. You moaned. He then looked at you. Then ripped of your shirt. Showing your f/c bra. As he took your bra off. You blushed red and moaned.
He groped both your breasts while you moaned

--(yay, thats all for now, please Imagine the rest, I'm super tired. It's hard working on three books ya know?)--


I have some more books than ya think!
-Your MINE (ticci toby x reader)
-Opposites attract (Sub-zero x reader)
-Takeda x reader ONESHOTS (ON HOLD)
-Mortal Kombat Lines
-Ask and dare Cassie's group!
-How to Make your Crush like you Back
-Hiro X reader ONESHOTS

BYE, LUV U.....

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