Johnny Cage X Pyromaner Reader

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=request from OsirisBlackWater hope you enjoy!=

Your P.O.V

You were taking a bath, in lava, it was so warm. On your nether tub. Then. A knock was heard behind your bathroom door. You gasped quietly and added the lava to hide your breasts. Then cleared your throat "C-Come in!!" You called shouting a bit. The lava was too noisy because of the lava bubbles
It was Johnny who opened the door "Wow! Glad you survived the heat!" You teased. "It it not easy!" He said leaning on the nether bathroom sink "Really huh? What if I do this?" You splashes a drop of lava on his shoe "AAAAAGGGHH!!" He yelled holding it tight. "DUMMY! I did that so you would feel comfortable around  heat and you can join me in the tub!" You laughed. Then he smirked, "join? I don't think so.. *chuckles* that tub is so small" he smirked. "Who said anything about small?" You raised an eyebrow snapping both fingers expanding the room, turning the nether tub in a swimming pool-like bathtub.
It was about 5 feet long and 5 feet wide. "Woah!" Johnny said. "Now will you Join?" You asked.
He nodded excitedly while you covered your eyes quickly. Then you heard a splash. It was johnny, already in the tub. Beside you. Arms around you. "Yo" you giggled. "The tub is as wide as fuck. Why here?" You asked looking at him.  "Cause I wanna be with my girl" he smiled. You grabbed your underlava phone (lol that ain't real) and took a selfie with him, and the description was "a very hot bath with johnny!" You showed him the post and laughed with him. Rasting your head on his chest you slowly fell asleep. Leaving the phone go unded the lava tub. Don't worry, it was lava proof.

You woke up on your nether bed yawning. You looked at your clothes, they were back, and they were flames. You were confused. You looked beside you. No one. Looked at the couch.. there he was. Lying there. With his mouth open. You smiled while biting your lower lip showing your teeth.
You went down your bed and walked to him. You closed his mouth and kissed his lips. Pulling away, "y/n." He said grabbing your waist, "aah!" You exclaimed lying down beside him. "N-No!" You grunted getting up using your flame powers to carry him on your bed. "Better" you sighed getting on top of him, kissing him, while he kisses back

Johnny: No... I'm busy. *continues making out with y/n*
Me: Oh Elder Ghods.. *facepalm*
Me: nope! *grabs her arm*
Sonya : BUT--
Me: no butts.. they're for pooping and farting.
Sonya: :'(
Okay if you wanna request just comment down below and i'll add that on my long list.)--

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