Hanzo X reader lemon

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Your P.O.V

You and your boyfriend, hanzo were snuggling together on a bed. Watching a movie on your phone using earphones. You forgot what kind of movie it was but suddenly there was a part. A smut part. While watching. You slowly felt hanzo grab your ass. Groping it he wandered his hand and went to your clit. Rubbing them through your leggings. You moaned a bit. Making him look at you, "what?" You asked. "You like?" "Your choice" you replied. He turned off the phone, same as the light. Placing the phone on the table, he got on top of you and started kissing you, in recievig the kiss you slowly started a make-out session, moaning for more he stopped and continued it on your neck. Finding your sweet spot. He figured out where is was and kept nibbling on it.. your moaning was turning him on.
Then all of a sudden he ripped of your shirt revealing you in you bra. He smirked and took off your bra groping both breasts. Nibbling one by one, then sucking it. Teasing you with his fingertips touching your nips.
Then you felt his boner poke your thigh. You widened your eyes but liked it for some weird reason. You moved you hand down and groped his boner through his pants.
You were on top of him now. Making a 69 position, you excitedly unziped his pants and took it off. Revealing his boxers. Being a bit annoyed and impatient you finally took it off and saw his member sprang free. You giggled and groped it. Bobbing your HAND up and down you finally took it in, giving him a  deep throat. You heard him moan. But he didn't do anything to your clit yet. So you kept sucking, hearing him groan, moan, and all the sounds you hear when they like it. You stopped and felt his cum flow in your mouth, you gagged a bit but swallowed it. You pulled away ans giggled. "Tasty~!" You moaned.
You turned around so you could face him again. Then kiss him, while your at the process. He took off your leggings along with your underwear and start fingering you. "Mmmm f-fuck." You moaned. Which was turning him more on. Then finally you backed away and inserted his member in your clit. "Ride me~" he moaned. You giggled and moved your body up and down, feeling the pleasure. Making your boobs jiggle you continued to moan. "Ahh.. oh.. yes.." he moaned. Grabbing your breasts gently and grope them while you move your body up and down.
You felt this familiar knot in your stomach and told him you were about to cum. He said the same thing and you both cummed together.
Then you collapsed on top of him, but still concious, "round two?" He asked. "Shut up~" you said. Then after a minute. You got on top of him again and did another make out session.. while he was groping your breasts.  You moaned.
Then he stopped "your so unfair, I take the lead this time" he said getting on top of you. Kissing you french kiss style, then. He was figering you two fingers. "Ahh... m-more~" you moaned. Feeling pleasure. He obeyed what you said and inserted three. Four. "Ahhh" you moaned once more. Groping your own breasts. You really felt good. Then he took his fingers out. Licking half of it clean. Then you held his hand and licked his fingers clean. He smirked because of your cuteness and went down. Licking your clit, really felt good. "Ohh~!" You moaned. Feeling the pleasure.
He lied down on the pillow and felt tired and while you lie down beside him. You were still groping his member,

--(amazing, I wrote a smut chapter that had 636 words.. wow.. AMAZING.)--

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