Reptile X Reader

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Your P.O.V

"Reptile!!" You whined. He had just ate your pet fly, which you caught four hours ago. "Sorry, I can't control myself." He said licking his lips. He was a weird boyfriend for every human being passing by. But it's okay if you have a boyfriend that' weird. We just live in a judgmental world. 

"Reptile I'm bored." You whined. "Catch a fly. Freeze it in the freezer for ten minutes, it'll not die. Then get a string tie it around a stick and the other end to the fly, now you've got a pet that I call dinner" he said you rest your head on his shoulder. "I don't like that." You said. He looked at you and kissed your forehead. "I don't have any more ideas princess" he said 'princess' that's what he calls you. Well, you ARE his girlfriend. "Let's watch pewdiepie" you said. "I don't know him." He said. You pouted and left. You took a pencil and your sketchpad.

Sneaking under the table. You secretly took a picture of Reptile you took your phone and started sketching

~~5 minutes later~~

you were finished with the sketching and in your sketch was your and Reptile hugging each other. You popped your head outside he was still there on the chair sitting down looking out the wide window calmly. You sneaked over to him slowly... Slowly....
"BOO!" You yelled. You heard him shriek and almost fell out of his chair. "Oops! Sorry." You giggled. He face palmed himself and looked back at you

"What does my princess need?" He asked. "I just wanted to show you this." You smiled. Then You showed him the picture made by you "wow this is amazing" he said. "Yep!" You exclaimed kissing his cheek. "That's me and you Rep." You went beside him and sat. "It's beautiful, we should frame this" he said and looked at you. "It's not necessary to really frame a sketch" you said. He smirked.
He was looking at your lips, this was it. You both closed your eyes and slowly leaned closer. You felt those lips on yours and butterflies were set free in your stomach.

--(This is Cute! You two are cute together! If you are a Reptile Fangirl. Still,  Requests are Open!)--

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