Kung Jin x reader part 2

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=I forgot he peeps who requested this part2 ^_^=

Your P.O.V

Gotta get away, he was a human, and you got stuck in his head, no. It wasn't you who went in his head. It was him, who never forget every single detail of your body
You quietly growled and rubbed your temple, 'can I PLEASE get out of your mind?!' I thought. Sending it to him. 'Why not?' He replied. 'BECAUSE ITS STARTING TO GET WEIRD!' You yelled in your mind. 'Well, sorry, the o' great beautiful y/n, but every thing i see is already plastered in my mind, and, I can not get it off, anymore.' He replied.
You banged your fist on the table and growled. Annoyed, you went to the place where they fly and watched them as they took off, to find victims to kill, and bring you your youh back, and.. so they continue working on finding victims. Also they bring their own youths back.
"Leaving today princess?" Someone asked, you looked at her and nodded. Sitting on thr edge you jumped and flapped your wings. Opening a portal just for you, you went through it.

Kung Jin's P.O.V

The lovely demon is stressed huh? Well, lets see about that. I am never getting her out of my mind. Because she's fab. Haha!
I placed my bow beside my bed and sat on thr edge. Wondering what I was about to do next. But then, suddenly. There was an earthquake. I widened my eyes then ran out of my bedroom and into the hallway. The earthquake seemed to stop. But when I stepped inside my room again, the earthquake resumed. Weird. I sighed and stayed in my room, trying not to care about the situation, well, it soon stopped.
Finally, I could finally lie down and relax, but I still couldn't... its her I keep thinking about, urgh.
I rolled to face the wall and closed my eyes. But I still can't fall asleep. Well. This is annoying, I growl and was about to turn around but someone placed hisor her hand on my back. I slowly turned and saw her, finally.
She had this cute look she's giving me with wide eyes. I looket at her from head to toe and hugged her, not minding he wings.

"Can't believe you came" I smiled. Hugging her tighter. "I-I can't breath you k-know!!" She exclaimed gasping for air, "o-oh.. sorry" i stuttered pullig away. "So um, why are you here again?" I asked scratching my nape. "Here to get off of your mind' she said placing her hand on her hip, while the other one, throwing a fireball at me, which had no effect, I wish she could just leave. Why is this devil in here anyway?
"Think I look fabulous?" She asked. "Yep~" I purred going closer, "u-um. N-no." She stuttered leaving the room. Going through a portal well, fuck this.

On the next day I went to the woods and she came back, I was happier than a hapy man and smiled at every word she said. "HEY! Are you even listening?" Wow she sounded pissed, "sorry... for a devil like you, I think your an angel.." i stuttered, woah... did I just... "stop flirting." She warned. "But, i-i'm serious! I-I'm just...uh.. beig um. Observant...! Yeah!" I stuttered getting all nervous.
Then she grabbed me by the collar,
"Listen here Bow man, if you keep doing thet piece o' shit of yurs. Then you will be gettin' this" she growled kissing me. Course I kissed back. What do you think I am, crazy? Well. Yes I am,

--(guys, Imma cry... this book may end...so, the last request was a Ermac kid x reader? Yah, so that's it, I'm not taking anymore requests. It stops there... so.. Ermac kid x kid reader? Or.. ermac is just the kid? Answer please, thank you.. and I'm not taking anymore requests)--

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