Rain x Reader {Request}

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=request by Obey_TrueMisfit and here you go nightgirl-873here's the art I made, ^3^ hope you enjoy!!=

Your P.O.V

You gave yourself a reward by giving you a day off. Because you've been practicing 70 hours straight. And on that time, you looked like someone threw you a bucket of cooking oil, no electric fans, no wind, and you were in a isolated room. Only candles as light.
Raiden said you have done well, since in that time you were a minor.


"Okay, day off. Lets start this with expectations... one, no disturbance, hopefully, two peacefulness and calmness, and finally three. Meet no one." You checked your list. Packing your sports bag, you were going to a crystal clear lake, which had fishes.. amd cherry blossoms on the sides.
You were hoping your day would be better.

"Finally!" You stepped out of your f/c (fav. Car) and walked through the moss curtains and saw the view you expected. "Check!" You giggled walking forward. Setting your bag on the side of the cherry tree, you waved your hands cicular motions and turned your clothes into swimsuits. Cracking your knuckles, you made your enormous beautiful angel wings out. Spreading them open, you looked up and began to soar high, well. Not so high, you looked down while flapping your wings
You flew down and spun. Slowly bringing back your wings inside your body. And..

"SPLASH!!!!!" The water went. You dove in swimming gracefully underwater wih the 3 feet long fishes, petting one. You swam up ang inhaled for air. You looked up.
No other people. Just you. You smiled at yourself and giggled. "Peacefulness and calmness, check!!" You smiled going up drying yourself with the wind you called.
You sat beside your bag and ate some apples. You saw one that looked rotten..
So you threw it over your shoulder not minding anything.

"You know... lottering is bad" someone said. Your mind turned to a frown. Third expectation, faded away, damn this. "What do you want?" You asked not turning around. Annoyed by who went there. "Oh nothing, I just heard a splash and checked to see if my lake is okay. "Pshhh... yeah right." You smirked. Eating a strawberry.
Then you heard footsteps the man went in front of you. "Yes, this is my lake, and everyone is welcome in here." He said "um.. okay" you said eating another strawberry, you tried to avoid eyecontact. Because of that gift.

"Why won't you look at me?" He asked "because I don't want to!" You looked wt the cherry blossom beside your bag. Then he sat in front of you. "Look at me" he said. "No!" You replied squeezing your eyes shut and tight. He held your chin and looked deeply into your eyes, oh no.. ".....Wow.." he said "Now, I told you you shouldn't look at me!!" You said. "You never said that." He said.
Showing you the rotten apple you thrown away seconds ago. "H-How did you..." you trailed off. "Like I said, "Wow" right?" He smiled, shit. That smile, makes you wanna hug him.. ugh.. "y-yeah, whatever" you looked away not wanting anymore eye contact
"Did I ever tell you that you can control water?" He asked. "You mean, "I"?" You corrected. "Oh yes.. sorry" he said "yeah, you already tokd me that, for like.... two times I guess." You said eating another strawberry "is that thing, delicious?" He asked. Pointing at the strawberries. "Mm... beautiful and delicious." He said "wait, what do you mean by beautiful?" You asked. "You" he said eating the strawberry. "Delicious!!" He exclaimed eating more. "Oh, ang you wanna see something amazing?" He asked. "Um...sure?" You said. He looked at the lake and moved his hands in some sort of tricks...
Then, the lake's water went up and turned into a beautiful rose, but it was still made of water. "Wow!!" You said in awe, amazed by what he did. "I-It's beautiful!" You exclaimed standing up. Walking towards it, but not too close.
"Beautiful." He repeated. Then you looked at him, seeing him smile. "W-Well, not to mention that you're the beautiful one." He said standing up. Walking towards you.

Cupping your left cheek you both closed your eyes and leaned in. And kissed, dragons were in your stomach. Your wings suddenly went out, and with the water rose, it splashed everywhere, making you and him wet. You both pulled away and looked at eachother, you gave him a faint smile and hugged him. "Thank you" you purred. Meet no one? Change it to the one, check you thought.

--(i like this, okay next will be Smoke x shirai ryu reader, hope you enjoyed this one shot ^_^ and if you have a reauest just comment down below!)--

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