Erron x reader x Kano part 2 {request}

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= @OsirisBlackWater wanted me to continue=

Your P.O.V

On the next day..
Erron Passed by you, "hey y/n" he chimed. "Hi.." you held back your fangirl side. "You want me to teach you some tricks?" He asked. Then you bit your lips and nodded quick. Your insides were starting to tangle, your intestines were tied to a knot.
(I dunno how to Spell intestines XD LMAO)
Then he taught you some stuff. Until he did the gun thing and winked "Bang Bang~" he said.
Your eyelids were twitching, he removed his mask and drank water. Not knowing you were looking at his lips the whole time, "what?" He asked. Then you looked away, but when you moved your eyes to him it landed on the lips.
He slowly touched his lips. Then looked at you.
He held your waist and pulled you close. You smiled and poked his lip. "Cute~" he said. And then, there we go, a kiss it is. It wasn't a makeout, not even a long one, it was just a short, sweet kiss.
Then you pulled away biting your lower lip. Another short kiss, until "y/n, The Emp--" he stopped. It was reptile, you both pulled away and looked at Reptile, he narrowes his eyes..... and suddenly he giggled "EEEEE,, you two are lovers, LOVERS! I-I know I'm not allowed to see you.. but i saw you!" He was talkung fast. Out of his damn mind. "What?" You asked. "Oh right, The Emperor Kotal Kahn wishes to see you" he said giving
The smile "I hate you" you replied walking in front of a big door, which you pushed to see Kotal on his chair and to the left is Kano, they were talking. "Yes, kotal?" You interrupted
Their talk while placing your hand on your hip, "oh, y/n. I want you to talk to Kano for a while, I should do something. Better watch him, he might do something." He whispered the last part. You frowned on the inside and sighed. Nodding in understatement you walked in front of Kano and sat across him. "You told him" you said "yeah yeah, I wanted to see you again! Got a problem?" He asked. "N-No!" You retorted. "Okay then" he replied, "why did you tell him?" You asked. I wanted to speak the truth! I wanted to see tha' beautiful face again!" He said. For a moment you never realized you were blushing, wait, blushing? No, he's flattering you.. so he would like you.

Until you talked for about hours because he kept flattering you he slowly leaned in. "N-no... I'm with Erron" you stuttered. "Why?" He asked disappointed. "He just took me on a date yesterday" you shrugged. Then you saw the look on his face, he was hurt. "Well, will you give me a chance? He's not here." He said, "well, okay" then you both kissed.

Until the door burst open. It was erron "Y/N!!" He yelled thinking Kotal did something to you. "That's why I locked the door!" The Kotal did a facepalm. You looked at Erron. Tears were shown in his eyes

--(what have you done to poor Erron? Nah just kidding. lolololol)--

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