Raiden x Reader Lemon {Request}

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=A Perverted request by Mj1247 ! Hope you enjoy!=

Your P.O.V

Yep, he's definitely drunk. "Hey ... Y/n!" He said. The dots over there is his hiccups. "Hi, Raiden" you said "C...Come over here for a..second?" He said. You walked towards him. He quickly grabbed your wrist and brought you into a room a BEDROOM
"Y-y/n.." He stuttered pushing you on the bed kissing you roughly you kissed back removing your clothes, you were drunk too. Actually..well, so did he.
"Y/n. I'm going in.. You ready?" He asked. You shut your eyes and slowly nodded. He smiled thrusting inside you. "Aahh!" You moaned grabbing the bed clothing. "Y-y/n.. I'm about to.." He cummed.
"Round 2?" You asked. "Alright" he replied.

--(hi! Here you go! I hope you enjoyed! And.. Yah! Requests are still open! The next part will be the part 2 of Erron Black okay? Bye! But requests are still open!)--

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