Ermac X Reader

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Your P.O.V

A little bored. So you went to the library..
You saw Ermac. Your, crush....
You kept your head down trying so hard not to be noticed. But.. Too bad.
You found your favorite book. The thing is.. It was on the top shelf. You took a step back and looked up. Glancing left and right, there was no damn ladder. How do you even reach those high shelves? You had nothing to do exactly,
You just stood there an stared. "Need help? We can help you." You heard a voice. You slowly looked behind your shoulder to see Ermac, great! "U-uh.. Y-yeah.. I can't r-reach that b-book." You had your voice lowered. "No worries" he reassured. He used his power to take the book and took it from his magic. He held the book up high. "Um.. Hey? Give me that. Please?" You were trying to be playful, but all things gone wrong. He smirked and told you something.

"Okay. if you want this book. You gonna have to kiss we first" that made you blush mad but you were annoyed by that. You grabbed his collar and kissed him and pulled away. "Happy?" You asked he gave you the book and touched his lips, you felt that moment when you kissed him he had those not-so-soft lips, you touched your lips too,grabbed the book, and walked away. Blushing more red than the tomato

---(this is kinda cute, I like it but I don't really like Ermac, I mean, he's okay~ but.. Nah.. No thing for those kinda guys actually, request please!!)---

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