Hanzo Hasashi X Psycho reader {Request}

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=Requested by @UntilDawnX sorry I cant tag but hope you enjoy!=

Your P.O.V

You killed your victim with a knife, licking it clean.
Not knowing Hanzo was staring at you, attracted, by what you were doing.
You looked at him with bright e/c eyes, tilting your head you stood up, blood was dripping down from your skirt, you didn't care.

"What?" You asked, "N-Nothing! You look great!" He said. You wrinkled your nose and walked away throwing the knife away.

On the next day you went to the woods, hunting some animals, so you could eat them.. raw..
But unexpectedly, and luckily, you were hunting a person, he was alone. This was just perfect. He sat on the Log, he seemed to think deeply, his hands on his forehead, he was wearing a yellow suit, you didn't care who he was, all you thought in ylur mind, was lunch. And that was him. You crawled behind him. Ready to pounce, one.. two.. three! You thought
Pouncing on him with razor sharp teeth showed. Realizing it was Hanzo. You widened your eyes in surprise you closed your mouth and backed away. Hiding your face using your hair. "What are you doing here?!" You exclaimed hissing. "Urghh *holds head* I was finding you" he said. Then, you raised an eyebrow pshh for the first time someone was actually looking for me
You thought. "Why?" You hissed. "I-I wanna.. ughh you won't understand." He said getting up
You pounced on him again making him go down while you were on top of him. "I will." You said feeling his neck with your nails. "I Love you!" He said kissing you.
You widened your eyes in surprise again
And kissed back. As you both pulled away you said "I told you I would understand!" You said kissing him again

--(kawaii! :3 follow Krystal_Samantha ! She's working on a Takeda x Reader story!
If you wanna follow then go do it. She's a great writer! Okau, change topic. I hope you liked this chapter next up will finally be Kenshi, followed by Erron and kano then Takeda and kenshi. If you want a request just comment down below and I'll add that on my list. BUH BYE!)--

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