Scorpion x reader

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--(Scorpion never met his wife and he never had a son)--

Your P.O.V

"Get Over here!" Scorpion yelled imagining he had his chain on you, he was so happy so you spun around heading towards him, but, you lost balance and fell, luckily he catched you. "Eheheh.." You laugh nervously giving him a nervous smile, he raises an Eyebrow with a mischievous look on his face

"At least, I got you~" he teased you giggled, he helped you up "you know.....--Thank you." You said nervously, you almost said you liked him, but you wanted it more if he would tell you, because it you would tell him then that would actually be the stupidest plan, you didn't want to force him to like you and stuff,
"Ummm... Hellu?" He asked waving a hand in front of your face. "Oh!" You exclaimed falling on your back. Again.

He catched you again with a smile "what's with you and your falling?" He smirks smiling at you. "Oh uh.. *facepalm* I'm sorry for being a clumsy piece of shit" you said rubbing your face with your bare hands "No, I don't think your a piece of shit to me~" he said and held your cheek. You felt your face warm up and knew you were blushing. He closed his eyes and leaned forward. You closed your eyes and leaned forward too. You two started to kiss while you place both your hands on the back of his neck. It was sweaty but you didn't mind. "No! TAKEDA! SHHH!!!" Someone yelled. You both pulled away from each other and saw Takeda messing stuff around while Sub-Zero and Liu Kang were so annoyed. "You broke the moment!" Liu Kang exclaimed holding Takeda by the soldiers and shaked him. "S-Sorry Unce L-Liu--" He stopped and ran outside starting to Puke.

You both stood there dumbfounded knowing that Sub and Liu were stalking on you the whole time..

--(hahahah~ requests are open, Why aren't you requesting?!)--

(COMPLETED) Mortal Kombat X Reader One shots Where stories live. Discover now