Erron Black X Reader | Part 2

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--(here's part 2!)--

Your P.O.V 

It was Erron "E-Erron! What are you doing here?" You exclaimed getting all nervous. "Wow, I never knew you were that sexy!" He bit his lip. "Sh-shut up you blushed. "You look beautiful today" he said "hey hey *snaps finger in front of his face* hey hey! I'm in my house clothes!" You exclaimed "that's the point." He said. You blushed again. "Look, about yesterday." He trailed. "Yea Whatever, I messed up okay? I'm not liking you anymore!" You turned around closing the door. "Wait!" He exclaimed "Wutt?" You asked. Clearly annoyed. "You forgot something." He said "what?" You asked
"This" He said kissing you. You were surprised at first. But go used to it. "I-I thought" you said blushing
"Nope, Didn't like anyone but you.. Wait no.. I love you" he said kissing you again. "Mmhmhmhm" you giggled through the kiss.

--(Sorry it's short! The next chapter will be an Erron Black X reader {Request!} but she said it would be a sad story so.. I'm not sure what to write yet. Anyways.. You guys can still Request ANYTHING EVEN IF ITS YANDERE! But I won't Do the Erron x Oc's because I don't even know your oc's and stuff.. I'll only make X Reader. Okay? Bye!!)--

(COMPLETED) Mortal Kombat X Reader One shots Where stories live. Discover now