Chapter 3 - Paris, The City Of Love

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I can't sleep. Godamnit!
I've been staying up all night, thinking. About if I have feelings for him. I honestly, don't know. Like he's such a good friend and I don't want to ruin it, and at the same time I feel like we should totally make out. I just closed my eyes and when the sun rose, I received a call. I wasn't expecting anyone early, and no one's called me this early before. I got even more surprised when I found out it was from Shawn. So I answered the call.

"Hey Camila!" Shawn's voice said. "Hey Shawn. Why are you calling me at this time?"

Stop lying, Shawn.

"Just saying morning to you when it's afternoon here. I don't have anything else to say." Alright. That is SUPER weird. Why would Shawn call me just to say good morning? He could just text me. Plus he had never said good morning to me. "Do you have anything else to say?" I asked. "No, I'll hang up. Bye!" And he hung up. That's was so odd.

Another few months later...

"Hey Camila." My manager's voice greeted though the phone. "Hello!"
"Ok. I'll make this quick because I'm busy. Camila, you're going to Paris for a show with the other girls. Leaving in 2 weeks, so be ready." Then he hung up. Yay. Another show. Well, it's not like I hate it, just like I've been in Paris for a few times now so I'm not that freaked out.

2 weeks later

Me and the girls all agreed that I'm going to share a room with Normani, Lauren with Ally and Dinah had her own room. She didn't wanted to be alone and neither of us but she's nice so she agreed. When Normani and I finally finished unpacking, she told me that she was going to hang out with the girls. So I was left alone. As soon as she closed the door my phone started to ring. It's Shawn. He has been calling me a lot lately. "Hi kid," he said," Where you at?"

"At Paris, I think for the billionth time." I joked.

"Oh really? Cause the funny thing is me too!" Liar. He couldn't be in Paris. I'd know if he is. I knew everything. "No you're not, Shawn."

"Yes I am. Open the door." He ordered. "What, are you like going to teleport in front of my room?"

"Just do it already." So I opened the door. It WAS Shawn standing behind the door! What's happening? "Shawn! What are you doing here?"

"Told you I'm here. Can you at least invite your best friend into your room?" Shawn pleaded.

Being nice, I stepped back to allow him to come in. "I've let you in. Now, answer me, WHAT are you doing in Paris in my hotel room?" Ok. I'm beginning to feel like he's a creep now. His actions today are really strange. "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnothing. Hanging out with my great friend Camila in her room in Paris." He said nervously. CREEP ALERT! "Great. Having a fun time here mr. Mendes?" I asked. I want him out now. Not that I'm mean, but I just want to hang out with the girls. "Aw, can't I hang out with you for some time?" He said as he closes the door. Things are getting tense now that there's only two of us in a closed up room.

"Um, let's play truth and dare." He said and walked to the table beside the door. "Sure. So, truth or dare, Shawn?" I asked. "Um, truth."
"Ok let's see... If you'll have to date one of Fifth Harmony, which would you choose?"

"Hmm, good question. I think... The one who has dark hair and whose name rhymes with Sophia. Do you know her? Um maybe you don't." He said. "Shawn it's me. You can just say me."

"Oh my god you're so good at guessing!" He joked. I chose dare for my turn because it's always better. Shawn told me to go to the balcony and scream I am a boy and I come from Mars. "Why? That's like a super dumb dare!"

"That's the point of a dare!" He convinced me to do the dare so I did. This time he's going to choose a dare. I'll make sure that I get him back this time. "Truth or dare."
"Dare. Like a gryffindor." He said. He's so obsessed with Harry Potter. "I dare you to... Kiss the most beautiful thing in this room."
"I would love to kiss me but I can't..." Shawn laughed. Then he stopped talking. He looked around the room, then after half a minute I got really annoyed,"Shawn have you decide yet?"
"Yep. But I want you to come." I followed him out of my chair. Suddenly, our faces were so close I could almost kiss him.

And that's what he did. He closed up the gap between our lips, and I could feel his lips on mine, his perfect face as hot as fire. His hands on my hips, and my hands holding him closer to me. It feels so wrong, but so right at the same time. This feeling continued for about a minute then I heard a knock, " Camila you in there? I forgot the key." Shawn immediately ran to the chair to look like he was just chilling, and I opened the door, "Cam Ally just told me - HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!" Oh. I didn't know Normani would be scared that badly. "Got to go girls bye!" And Shawn ran away from us. "Yeah, so Ally told you what?" I acted like nothing had happened," Girl, WHAT is Shawn doing here? I thought he was supposed to be back with his family?"

"I don't know. When you left he called me and he was just standing outside the door." I replied. Hey, I'm saying the truth here. "That's extremely creepy. Do you want to go to Ally's room? All of us are there." Yeah, hanging out with the girls sounds more fun than having a make out session with Shawn.

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