Chapter 22 - Talking

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Wait. How am I gonna do this. Do I just go up to him and shout? No... Or do I talk to him privately? No no no no, I want him to be embarrassed of what he has done. Meh, I'll think about it tomorrow.

I did my morning routine and all those boring things and head to school. My footsteps were quicker and my breathing was faster.  I don't know why Cameron wanted to do that, but I don't care. He's going to get roasted like Taylor got roasted by Ricegum or whatever his name was. (LOVE RICE AMAZING DISS TRACK)

I finished class in the morning and walked together with the girls to the cafeteria. We got back together after me and Lauren explained everything properly. "Girls I need to talk to Cameron for a sec." I excused myself from the table and started my plan. Action.

I went over to his table and used a very calm but intimidating voice. At least that's what Dinah said. "Hello Cameron." I said behind his back. He turned around with a grin, "Oh hey Mila."

Jerk, as soon as I pull the trigger your grin would be wiped off in a second.

"Can you come with me? I want to talk to you...alone." I said. His smile turned into a tight one, "Sure." He got up his chair and followed. We arrived at the staircase where there is no people in sight. I took a deep breath, "So, um, Cameron, yesterday around midnight Shawn texted me saying I cheated on him." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. He looked like he had no clue, "Um ok? So what did you do?"
"He said that Johnson told him this false information. But I thought that it couldn't be him." I pause. He was getting uncomfortable, just as I would have expected. "L-Listen Mila, I have to go now but we'll talk another time ok?" And with that, he turned to the door and ran away.

Anger slowly began showing in my face, and without thinking, I stormed after him back to the cafeteria. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS YOU BETTER STOP RIGHT THERE!" Then the whole room went silent at once and everyone looked at me and Cameron, who was about 15 feet away.

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