Chapter 5 - Shawn the Clueless

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I found out Shawn only wrote the first verse and the chorus. My eyes looked at the top of the sheet.


I finished reading and it sounds pretty nice, so I wrote the rest in the bathroom. For me, that is the best place to write songs in.

After one hour in the bathroom, I could finally shout out, "Done!" Feels like I did more work than him. Oh well. He should figure the tune out. Oh THIS was what he sang in his room! I was just wondering what new song he was singing. I ate my dinner, watched Netflix and since I'm really tired, I did my night routine and went to bed.

I watched Camila walk away from my house, and she just looks... incredibly beautiful. Like she's too beautiful to be real. Woah. Did I JUST say that? That sounds super cheesy (and kinda creepy). I can't believe I just said that. Too cheesy for me to even think that in my mind. But it's kind of true... I don't know. She's cool, she something more? Nah, she probably think of me as a brother. I hope she writes good lyrics.

"It's Friday WHOO! It's Friday WHOO! It's Friday - " I turn off my alarm. I love my different alarms for each day. It's awesome. Anyways, I'll have to give the lyrics to Shawn today. I grabbed a banana before leaving the house and walked to school.


"Hi Mila."

"Hey Shawn." I said as I looked up at him. I was just about to fall asleep, according to Lauren. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I see the lyrics you wrote down?" He asked me.

"Woah, you guys are already starting? I haven't even talked to Aaron yet." Dinah said. Shawn took the paper and scanned through it. "Wow awesome. I've actually got the tune. So, hang out after school?"

"Sure." I shrugged, then carried on with my lunch.

I got back to my table and I see eight pairs of eyes staring at me. "Why are you guys staring? It's kinda creepy actually." I said. Then Cameron said,"Do you like her?" Uh Cam, is that a question? "Of course! Who wouldn't? She's an awesome friend. You guys should talk to her sometimes." I waited for them to nod and agree with me, but instead they all shook their heads and Jack J said,"Shawn, you're SO clueless. That's why you can't get a girl." Why am I clueless? And what does this have anything to do with getting a girl? "But I don't want a girlfriend right now. I like being single. I don't want a girl linking arms with me all the time."

Taylor spoke, "Shawn, if someone asks you if you like a girl, it means do you want them to be your girlfriend. A monkey can understand that." He giggled. Will he ever stop teasing me? I was thinking to tell them about the time in Paris, but then they would DEFINITELY spread rumors around the school that me and Camila are together. And that's kind of what's happening right now. Nah. I'm not telling. "Well, the answer is no. She's just my great friend. Nothing more."

"Are you SURE?" Jack G questioned. "Yes." I answered annoyingly. "SURE?"

"Shut up." I continued eating, my mind still all the way in Paris, thinking about the kiss.


I walked down the street with Ally since we live close, then she asked me, "Mila do you like Shawn?"

"What, like a friend?"

"No, like do-you-want-to-date-him kind." Oh, THAT kind. "Hmm, no. I mean like he is cool, cute and awesome, but nah, I like him as a friend."

"Ok." Ally said, not quite convinced.

Oh wait. I have to get to Shawn's. "I just remember I need to go to Shawn's house. Ally bye!" And I ran to Shawn's house.  I hope he doesn't get mad.

Shawn opened the door for me, and he's not wearing a shirt. That always make me think of that vine Taylor made.

"Oh my god Shawn look!" Taylor screamed. "Hey shirtless Shawn MENDES!!!!!!" And everyone screamed with him. Didn't know how to handle this, Shawn just walked away, clearly embarrassed. Awwww he's so cute.

"Camila? Hello?" Shawn's voice ended my flashback. "Oh hi there." He seemed to know that I'm staring at his body, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I blushed, and quickly changed the topic, "Where's your mom and Liah? They're supposed to be home right?"

"Nah. Aaliah and my mom is at her friend's house and my dad is on a business trip." He said casually. "So we have the house to ourselves till your mom comes back?"

"Yup. But we're not going to do homework. I wanna make some muffins. Let's go." He went to the kitchen. I'm not in the mood of making muffins right now. Yes you need to be in a mood to make muffins. It's called the muffins mood. "No...can we hang out in your room? I don't want to bake muffins."

"Pleaseeeeee? Please please please please please Camila!!!" He whined. "I'm not talking to you anymore. You're not my friend." Shawn said in a girly voice and stuck out his tongue at me. I STILL don't want to make muffins so I went to his room, to mess with his guitar. Then I immediately hear a scream.

Fun fact: ''This was last edited on 24th December, 2015 - 10 months ago! - Rachel

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