Chapter 18 - The Reason Explained

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"Hey." I tried smiling at him. "Um... Should we work here or in your room? I don't know." It's still a bit awkward between us because of the accident at that party. "Yeah let's go to my room." Lauren came downstairs, and said goodbye to us. We set out our things for the project and started working silently. I know you're supposed to talk to your partner but we both knew what we're doing so we didn't talk much. I glanced at Cameron and found him staring right back at me, and gave me a small smirk. Ok. Now what was that supposed to mean? I hate it when people give signals that no one understands.

We finished our project and Lauren texted me:

Lauren - Mila come to my house now

Me - What's the rush?

Lauren - Taylor is here

Me - ok

I stood up and exited the room, with Cameron following behind me, "Camila where are you going?"

"Oh um I'm just going to Lauren's house. She forgot something." I lied. I don't wanna be late for this little secret meeting. "Ok." He said. I think he bought it. Me and Cameron went out the door and we went opposite direction.

Camila said Lauren forgot something but I'm pretty sure she didn't. Lauren rarely forgets her things,  so I find that a bit strange. I didn't want to slow her down so I asked no questions. "Goodbye Mrs. Cabello." I said before closing the door.

I ran all the way to Lauren's house, and rang the bell. "Mila come in!" She whispered. "Why are you whispering?" I questioned. "Shhh!'ll see. Come." She lead me into the living room and told me to stay on the stairs. "Why?"
"Taylor doesn't know you're here." I mouthed an 'oh' then she entered the living room. I'm currently spying through the door crack and I see Taylor watching some tv programme.

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