Chapter 32 - Finale

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That night I went home, feeling really annoyed because Shawn was being childish by not letting me finish my sentences. I swung my front door open, and slammed the door behind me. I didn't realize that Sofi was on the couch, watching TV. "Woah Camila don't hurt the door!" She exclaimed at me. I chuckled, "Hey sis."

I walked up to my room with 'Camila' taped on my door, plopped down my school bag, then started doing my homework that I received earlier today. I almost forgot about them because of what happened during the day. There was my history due on Tuesday, math due on Monday, and English due on Thursday. Today's a Friday so I can work really late and enjoy my two days free.

It seemed like the clock had ticked away almost too quickly, because by the time I finished my math homework it was already nine. Or maybe it might be me, I'm not the brightest at math. Suddenly, my door behind me opened, following a knock. "Camila can you read a book with me?" Sofi said. "It's been ages since we've done that." I stood up from my papers and replied, "Which book do you wanna read?"

She lingered by her bookshelf for quite a while, to decide on what story she wanted to read. "Hmm, Sleeping Beauty's nice, Snow White is also good. Mila what are you doing there? Help me choose, all of them are good!" She whined. In the end, Sofi decided to read 'Cinderella'.

I opened the page, and started to read.

"I think you you're like Cinderella." Sofi pointed to the girl with blonde hair on the front cover when we finished.
"Really?" She nodded, and continued, "and Shawn is like the prince." My eyes widened. "No, but Shawn isn't a prince, and we didn't live happily ever after." I said that last part uneasily. Sofi put a disappointed look on her face, "Why not?"
"I don't know, Sofi. We're not meant to be together." I said sadly. "Now go to bed." I patted her head and she settled in bed.

Yeah, why? I asked myself. Because on and off relationships are not good, that's why.
No, that's not a good enough reason.
We're...just friends? No, we can always be more.
Don't know each other well? Um, not quite.
Too many questions were swirling in my head like a tornado, and that isn't good so I went to bed.

The news of me breaking up with Jacob spread real fast throughout the school on Monday, and the girls were constantly worrying about my feelings.
"Mila are you ok?"
"Don't worry, you'll be over him soon."
"He's such a jerk Mila, you deserve better." They told me. "Guys, it's not his fault, it's mine." I replied to those comments. "No, come on Mila, that's just an excuse to take the blame! You don't need to." Ally said.

Finally I managed to convince them that it was my fault, not Jacob's for the break up. "Well, now you can be with Shawn." Lauren said. "Yeah!" Dinah agreed. "Guys stop, and for now, I need some time alone." I walked away from them to my first class of the day. Me and Shawn exchanged glances in the hallways but we didn't say anything to each other, knowing that will cause some weird rumors to spread not only to the school, but to the media, somehow.

This week my parents were going to be away on a trip so that meant I have to take care of Sofi all by myself, including dropping and picking her up from school, and the meals. "Will you take care of Sofi, mija?" My mom asked. I nodded impatiently, "Yes, yes mom I'll be fine! I'm 19 already. Just, don't have a care in the world and have fun!"
"Ok then. Have fun you two!" They dragged their luggage to the car, and and waved us the final goodbye.

Yay, now it's me and Sofi's alone time. We went back in, and not knowing what to do to entertain an eight-year-old, I pulled out my phone and started checking. I was in the middle of going through my snaps when Sofi spoke, "Mila I'm bored." She complained. "Go watch some TV then." I took the remote from the table and changed to Disney, coincidentally, Princess Sofia was on air. "Oh look it's you're favorite princess!" I said, pointing to the TV with a brunette girl in purple. She suddenly looked very annoyed, "Camila, I'm eight. That show is for babies." Sofi said in a 'just because I'm eight doesn't mean you can't treat me like I'm eighteen' voice. Real irritated by her sudden mature behavior, I turned off my phone and slammed it face down on the couch. "Alright then. What do you want to do?"

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