Chapter 26 - Nowhere Is Safe

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I stared at him in awe. "How did you get here?"

"I've been planning this ever since the new police chief arrived. The new one was horrible. He never smiled and punishes prisoners if they did anything wrong." Taylor started. "Did you get hurt?" Lauren asked worriedly. "No. I stayed quiet so I could focus on my escape plan. I'm not sure if he was suspicious, though."

"But you do realize that they could find you anytime, right?" I asked. "And that's where you guys come in. I've planned this as well." He responded.

"I won't stay here for long. I'm gonna be on the run, with you girls knowing my locations 7/24. I know they would search here soon because of the relationship I have with Lauren," he eyed her for a second. "So I'll move locations once three or four days."

I offered my sleeping room to Taylor, since I know Taylor wanted to catch up with Lauren on things. I'm pretty sure Lauren would do the same with me and Shawn.

No, no, Jacob. It's Jacob, not Shawn.

Speaking of Jacob, my phone buzzed and rang, signaling an incoming call. "Hello?" I questioned. "Hey babe." Jacob replied. "Can I invite you to a dinner tonight?" He asked sweetly. I giggled, "Of course. When will you pick me up?"

"Hmm, how about 7? Long enough for you to get ready?" He joked. "I think so, yeah." I chuckled. I walked over to the kitchen, and saw Lauren. "Hey Laur I can't stay. Jacob's taking me on a date so I'll have to go get ready." She nodded, so I grabbed my bag and head out.

What should I wear? Ugh it's always so hard, why can't it be easier?

I went with a backless dress, the one I wore at the Billboard Music Awards. I absolute adore that dress. Since I decided on wearing black, I might as well wear black shoes. I put on my black heels, and checked one last time in the mirror. Perfect. Then I heard the bell ring. "These are for you babe." Jacob said, holding out a bouquet of flowers. "Aw, thanks boo." I took the flowers and put them on the table. He linked my arm and walked me to his car.

His car came to a halt and being the sweet gentlemen he is, he opened the door for me and held my hand. As I looked through the glass surrounding the restaurant, I saw an image that made me wince.

Shawn, talking to a girl in the same diner.

Jacob seemed to notice this as well. He nudged me in order to walk forward, and the waiter lead us to our seat, which was not too far from Shawn's. I was in the middle of eating when I felt a presence beside me, "Hey guys. What a surprise to see you here!" I looked up and see no other than Shawn. He was wearing the black Balenciaga suit he loved, and was looking dashing as ever. I forced out a smile, "Hi." I said emotionlessly, not wanting to deal with him any longer. "Excuse me for a second, I need to use the washroom." I quickly dismissed myself from the table.

I was fixing my makeup in the bathroom, and I heard a voice behind me, "So, Camila." She was the woman that Shawn took on a date with. I turned around, and saw a girl with dark straight hair, perfectly did eyeliner, and the subtly placed purple eyeliner. "Hey Hailee."

"Shawn's told me a lot about you, you know," she said as she placed down her purse, searching for something. "R-Really?" The last thing I want is Shawn spreading rumors all over the place. "Yes. Or rather, what you did." Her piercing eyes glancing at me, again. "He told me how you broke his heart into pieces. No, crumbs. Good thing I would never do that." She stayed silent after for touching up her makeup, and I pushed the door and left.

Damn it Shawn.

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