Chapter 6 - Valentine's Dance (Ugh)

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A scream traveled to my ears. What was that? Was that Shawn? Trying to make muffins? "Shawn? What are you doing?" No answer. Ok. Now WHAT just happened? I ran downstairs to the kitchen and see Shawn laughing at me. Ok... I still don't get it. "Why are you laughing? I thought something happened!" I punched him. I had to. He finally stopped. "Fine, remember I told you I can prank on people? And we made a bet?"

"Shawn, you're like the WORST at pranking you know?"
"NO WAY. I can prank people, and you better believe it."
"Oh yeah? Wanna make a bet? If you prank on me, I will give you 15 bucks."
"Make that 25." 
"Fine. 25 bucks."

Oh. Now I have to give him 25 bucks. GREAT. "I don't have money." I lied. I have to. I'm saving my money for my own stuff. I'm NOT going to spend it on some stupid bet. "Liar liar, pants on fire." He sang. "I'm wearing a skirt."

"Oh, then liar liar, skirt on fire. You do have 25 bucks!" He took my purse and found 40 bucks. "Shawn! Give that back! I need it!" I snatched my cash away from him. "I need it for Dinah's birthday. Please. Anything other than 24 bucks?" I came up with an unconvincing lie. Hey, he doesn't know Dinah's birthday.
"Hmm, let me think... You have to give me a..." He said. "A what?"
"A kiss."

A kiss. Ok... "Ok." Before I finish my sentence, he kissed me to shut me up. I wanna curse something because I hate when people do that. Oh, now I remember. He did try to kiss me before.

"The loser has to give winner a kiss." I said. "Oooohhhhhh... Someone wants a kiss!" He leaned towards me. "Ew Shawn we haven't even started the game!" I pushed him away from me.

So I have swore Shawn off before.

After what, 10 seconds of putting his lips on mine, he finally realized that it was very awkward for the both of us. He quickly distanced himself from me. "I think it's late now..."

"Sure." I replied. And I look at the clock it said 4:57. I have to go. I still have stupid homework to finish so I went home. "Don't try to make muffins, you'll make a mess." I told him before I leave.

I watched her leave (again) and thought if she likes me or not. As a boyfriend or something. Are we friends with benefits? Friends? Or what? I'm so freaking confused. I'm going to make muffins, even when she told me not to.

I got home at about 10 past five or something. I'm SO tired. Why am I so tired? I think it's because I over-think everything. Sometimes I think how it would turn out of me and Shawn we're dating, which will NEVER happen. I don't even like him, but somehow I just think so much about him...


Normani was looking so excited when I saw her, "Hi Mila! Come." She told me and the girls to huddle around her, "So, I just heard that Valentine's dance this year is going to be a bit...different. I don't know. I just accidentally heard that when passing two teachers."

That got Lauren really excited too. "Accidentally. Huh." I eyed Normani suspiciously. "Really!"
"Yeah. I believe you." What's going to be different this year? I thought as I took a seat in mentor class. "So, folks, this year's Valentine's dance is going to be a bit different this year." Ms. Kelly said. There came the usual chatter in the class then Ms. Kelly shut them up. "You can only attend the dance if you have a partner. No exceptions." Really? A partner? What if I go with Ally? Just kidding.


"I'm not going to the dance." I said simply. "Why not? Don't you like dancing Mila?" Ally asked. "But you need a partner which needs to be a dude and the guys in our year are all fuckboys." I explained.

"Shawn's not." Dinah hinted. "Oooohhhh... Shawn and Camila! I ship you guys!" Lauren said.

"Shut up." I snapped at all of them.

A lot of guys asked me to the dance, but I said no to all of them. Now I actually kind of want Shawn to ask me. But he hasn't. Maybe he already have a date. Who knows.

I'm still thinking of a way to ask Camila to the dance, which is in 6 days. I see about 100 guys ask her everyday, but she turned them all down. Maybe she doesn't even want to go to the dance. I don't know. I want to make like a surprise and ask her or something. Not like those cheesy bouquet or roses and sing. That's so cheesy. Wait... I think I know what to do...

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