Chapter 25 - Escaped

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Me and Jacob were paired up together in English again, to discuss what was on the board. Apparently, none of us are really interested about a portrait so we started to chat,"Is it true? You've had lots of boyfriends before me?" Jacob asked. "No! I was single until I started dating you! Why would you listen to him?" I angrily replied. "I-I don't know. I guess I was a bit insecure."
"It's ok." I bitterly replied. I thought he already knew about the story?

"What happened anyways. I thought he was nice before?" Jacob asked, chewing on his sandwich. I sighed, "Used to be."

I need to win her back. I know I broke up with her but ever since that, I've always missed her company. I tried finding that cozy feeling of being loved again but none of the girls I've dated can top Camila. She's probably over me. I could see that she's given up. But maybe, just maybe, I could get her back in my arms.

Jacob went for football practice after school, and I had nobody to hang out with so I decided to go to Lauren's house. "Laur I need to use the bathroom real quick." I said to her and we paused the card game we were playing.

After I came back out, I heard two voices from Lauren's room. One belonged to Lauren, and the other one sounded familiar but I couldn't make out whose voice that was. "Oh my god I've missed you so much." Lauren said. Should I go in? Or should I stay here and listen? Nah, I'm going in. I opened the door, and saw Lauren hugging a guy.


"Taylor what are you doing here?" I blurted out. They noticed my presence and Taylor started explaining, "I escaped from jail."

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