Chapter 13 - Hiking

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Shawn walked with me to my house that night. He follows me to my room, which is unusual because he normally stops in front of my house and then goes home. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, "Karla -" I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't really like the name Karla, which is why I changed it to Camila. "Don't call me Karla. I told you not to."
"Ok, ok. So do you wanna go out sometimes?"
"Yeah, sounds cool. Just text me when alright?" I think he would like to keep it a "surprise", because that's what guys do, well most guys in stories anyway.

He texted me about 2 hours later:
Shawn: I'll pick you up on Saturday at 12 alright

Me: AM or PM?


Me: lol ok ok

I wonder what he had planned.


We had til Monday for both our assignment, the art and music ones, and we're done. So we can watch Netflix all the time and not worry about those assignments!! Hell yeah.


I woke up, remembering that today Shawn's taking me out. I wonder where he'll take me. I know I've said it before but this wonder had been boiling in my head for the last 3 days, 72 hours. I glanced at the clock, which was currently showing 9:43AM. So I watched a bit of pretty little liars and started to get ready.

Shawn came at 11:50 with a bouquet of roses. "Thank you Shawn." I told him politely. He smiled. Oh god I love that smile. I put it on the table, and hand in hand I walked away from my house with Shawn.

Guess where I'm gonna take her! Ok never mind you can't guess it. I'm gonna take her into the forest and go hiking. I texted her the night before to wear sports outfit. Yeah that kinda gives it away... But I don't want her to show up in high heels and a short dress or anything like that. That would be terrible for her.

He opened the door for me like any gentlemen would. And when he got in the driver's seat, I asked him, "Shawn where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. If I wanted you to know I would let you know alright?" He stepped on the gas pedal and we drove out of town. Then he went on a highway. My brain is stuffed with curiosity right now. WHERE IS HE GOING? Sorry for the mental screaming, but I just hate it so much when someone is keeping something a "surprise". That's annoying, VERY annoying.

He exited the highway after an hour or so. On the way we were playing truth or dare road trip edition. I know it's sounds bit weird but it's really fun. We also sang to the songs on the radio. Our song Ikwydls came up and we were basically yelling. It was so loud that a man pointed his middle finger at us. I guess we were very loud, but I don't care. Shawn parked the car and we walked to the mountain in front of us. I know this place - Sequoia National Park. This place is beautiful, I can't even explain it. "Let's go." Shawn said and we walked to the rocky path.

After hiking

I'm sooooooo tired I ignored all the calls and lied on my bed after I came home.

I called Camila 5 times! What is wrong with her, she usually picks up the phone. Ok, I'm gonna call her one LAST time. I pressed my thumb on her name and it ringed 1 time, 2, time, three-

UGH who is disturbing my sleep? I clicked the green button without even looking at the name on top, ready to end it any second.

"Camila!" I exclaimed quietly. "Why didn't you pick up the phone? I called 5 times already!"
"Oh, THAT'S how it rang so many times! Sorry, but I was sleeping. Shawn and I just came back from hiking." She explained. "Anyways, why did you call so many times? Is it that urgent-" I cut her off, "Yes it's VERY urgent Mila!"

"Then tell me!" she's starting to get annoyed. "What is it."

"It's Taylor."

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