Chapter 7 - "No Date Buddies"

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It's like 5 days till prom and Shawn STILL hadn't ask me to the dance. Maybe he just already got a date. Or maybe he doesn't want to go. "Boo! Guess who?" Suddenly a pair of hands covered my eyes. Only Lauren would do that. "Lauren." I said and she took her hands off my eyes and sat opposite me at the lunch table. "Has anyone ask you to the dance yet?" I asked. If she says no then we will be no dance date buddies. If she already has one, then I would be a loner. "Yeah. I'm going with Taylor Caniff." WHAT? Taylor? "B-But I thought you hated him! Why would you go with the biggest playboy in our year?" She must be insane. "Oh well, people change. Did Shawn ask you yet?" Lauren quickly changed the subject. "Ugh, no." I sounded so sad. We're not even dating. My voice sounded so desperate. "Oh really? I thought he would." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. Then Cameron (one of Shawn's friends) came to her and Lauren handed her 20 bucks. Wait. They were betting on this stupid thing? "Why did you bet with Cameron on me and Shawn?" Then Dinah joined the conversation, "There's a lot of rumors that you and Shawn are dating. Don't you know?" I thought the #shawmila status thing was clarified? "But I said - "
"The rumors won't stop even if you say it a billion times." Ugh. I just wanna eat. "Let's eat." I finished talking and started eating. Oh well, maybe for the first time in history I regretted saying no to Nash Grier. But I can still have fun missing a school dance, right?


I got the perfect idea, but I need some cool decors. And I know just who to go to.

"Hey, what's up man?" Jack G greeted me at his door."So, you said you need black tape, the 'DO NOT ENTER' banner and what?"
"And... I think that's it." I replied. "Ok. Anyways, why do you need these things? You're not in the drama club or anything."
"You'll see." I said with a grin. He handed me the things and I left.

Alright. Now all I need to do, is to get Camila and her family out for a few hours, put the decors in her room, and just wait. Sounds easy. I'll go get mine and her family to go somewhere like a mall or something. "Mom? Camila said she wants to go to the mall with you and Liah tomorrow."
"Yeah sure. Are you coming?" My mom questioned. "No. I'm hanging out with the guys." I lied. "Okay. Oh and is Mila's family come too? I haven't seen them in a while." Great. This is going as planned. "Yeah. They'll come too." This is going WAY better than I thought!


I'm in Camila's house right now. Ms. Cabello said to let me watch the house. Anyways, let's get to work.

Few hours later

Ok. Now I have my 'DO NOT ENTER' banners in front of her room, the tape that says 'I'm dying to go to the dance with you' is on the wall. Yes, I googled some creative ways to ask a girl to prom and this idea looks the best. Now all I have to do is trace my body with the tape and I'm done. "Can you come to Camila's house? I need some help." I text Jack. " K"

In about 15 minutes, the bell rang. "Why are you in her house?"
"Doesn't matter. Come." I led him to Mila's room. "Wow, that's what you wanted the things for! It's cheesy."
"Shut up Jack, can you trace my body with the tape?"
"I dunno. Can I?" Typical Jack. "Just do it."

We finished and Jack left. Ok, they should be back in about half an hour. Then I heard the door open. There she comes. I hope she went shopping for the prom dress. "Ahhhh! Oh my god Shawn! You scared me!" She shrieked on the top of her lungs.

Oh. My. God. Shawn just did the following things:
- scared me really badly
- asked me to the dance (when I thought he wouldn't)
- made a mess in my room

I yelled at him, punched him and he just laughed. And I laughed with him for what seemed like forever. After we stopped laughing (which is a long time and my mum thought we were maniacs) we started clearing up the decors he put up while I was off shopping. I bought a black dress that is up to my knees. I still like going with the cute style and I don't wanna trip on a long dress, plus black is a cool color. He took all the decors back and left. Finally. FINALLY I won't be a loner within my friends. Everyone has a date including the nerdy stupid (that's a pretty weird thing to say, considering nerds are smart) Bob. Now I also have a date!

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