Chapter 14 - Shawn's World Tour

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Hmm. Taylor. The infamous (not really) fire starter that ruined everyone's Valentine's Day. "What about him?" I asked. "He's not coming to school, don't you see? And whenever I text him he always say he's sick or he had an appointment. I go to his house almost everyday but he shuts me out all the time." Lauren explained. "Maybe he feels bad?" I suggested. Hey, it could be true. "Well, if he feels bad he would also ignore Carter right? Since he got injured and he also fought against Taylor that night. But he ignores me. He still talks to Carter and everyone else."

Now that's weird. VERY weird. He's talking to everyone but Lauren. How come? "Ok... That's weird. We should keep an eye on him don't you think?" I suggested. "That's a good idea. So we start tomorrow?"
"Ok bye." We hung up. I had nothing to do and since Lauren had to ruin my sleep, I can't sleep for another couple of hours. So I just went on Twitter and saw this tweet:

The tour dates are on now! So excited to meet you guys haha

I almost forgot. Shawn's going on tour. And his first  performance is on the 5th of March, which is about 2 weeks away. (It's true I checked the website lol) Tomorrow's Monday day which means I'm going to be in a very bad mood, and Shawn's upcoming tour ruins it even more. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Shawn with all the work he has done, but that would mean that I won't see him for at least half a year.

I woke up this morning and saw that today is cloudy. Even better.

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