Chapter 4 - Paired Up

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We finally, FINALLY finished touring around the world (not the ENTIRE world, but you get it)! But it means school... And some annoying assholes. The first day being back at school was chaotic. A few hundred people asked me, the girls and Shawn to sign autographs or take selfies with them. Today there was less, but still some people wanted photos.

I walked into the art classroom, my favorite classroom, and see people staring at me like always. Then the teacher caught their attention and they stopped,"Hello people. We, are going to start a new project with pairs," the whole class cheered, "But, I will make them." The whole class groaned. And the list below:

Cameron and Ally (ugh)
Nash and Lauren ("ew Nash")
Normani and Dinah (lucky girls!!!)
Taylor and Jack J
Jack G and Jessica
Matthew and Lily (cute couple)
Carter and Bob ("fuck it's the nerdy bob")
Aaron and Claire
Camila and Shawn (yay?)

Why? I feel like the teacher put us together on purpose, not by just pulling out names in the pot. The teacher explained what we need to do and the class ended. (she talks way too much) Then we headed to the music room which is close to art. Then the music teacher decided to do the "random" pair up thing. Is pairing up students a teacher trend now?

And, turns out, I'm with Shawn again.

"In this assignment you will create a musical tune with some sort of lyrics, and the song has to be at least 30 seconds long. Due in three weeks. Alright class?" Yeah. We can nail this easily. We can probably finish this in a week or something. Then we have loads of time to do the art one.

After the last period ended

Shawn asked me if he wants to come over to his house, then there was some "ooooohhhh" from his friends," Oh my god guys you're so immature." I snapped. Now they're quiet. "Sure. What time?"
"ASAP? Or you can come now if you want." No. No way I'm coming now with him, people would think we're dating, which we're NOT. "Nah. I'll come in like 1 hour?" And we went home. I got a drink (banana shake) then brought it up to my room went, and thought about why the teachers had to put us together, TWO TIMES. I re-did my makeup and went over to Shawn's house.

"Hey!" a twelve year old girl said to me,"Hi Aaliah. Is Shawn in his room with his guitar again?" Oh Shawn and his guitar. I heard that he names each and one of them. "As always." She let me in and I went to Shawn's room. I couldn't figure out what song he was singing. "Hi Shawn." I said. "Um, ever heard of knocking miss?" Nope, don't wanna answer his stupid questions. "Anyways, I've already started on the music thing. I wrote the first verse and chorus. Here." He handed me a piece of paper. "Wow. You're fast. You did this in like... An hour right?" Yes. That's quite fast to be fair. But then again I could have also done that. I'll probably beat him. I didn't get to read the paper because I didn't want to deal with it right now. I mean, we've got 3 weeks! And neither of us wanted to start with the art so we just messed around. Then we, no I, came up with an idea.

"Shawn, I'm bored." I said. "I can see that." Shawn replied, without looking away from his phone. "Let's do something fun!"

"Like truth or dare?"

"No, you stupid. Let's go prank Aaliah." I chuckled. "You know, I tried once and it turned out to be an epic failure. I suggest you don't." Oh, is he being a coward now? "It's probably because you're really bad at it, and I'm the opposite. I'm sure I can prank her well. Come on." I've got the greatest idea of all time."Does she like any of the magcon dudes?" I ask. "Well, she LOVES Cameron. What?"

"You'll see." I smirked as I approach her room. "Aaliah? Are you in there?"

"Come in."

"Hey Liah, I've got to tell you something, girl." Oh, stop smiling like an idiot, Camila. You look so suspicious. "What. Don't tell me Shawn's making a mess down there trying to make blueberry muffins." I laughed. The idea of it gets me every time. "No. So, ready to hear it?"
"Shawn...just told me...that Cameron - "
"Cameron as in Cameron Dallas?" She said so quickly. And I can see she started to blush a bit. "Yes.'re an adorable cute beautiful gir!" I finished. "Yeah, you're joking. I can see that. It's all written on you're face."

"No! Why would I joke about it? It's some serious matter!" I said starcasticly. "No. It's a joke. I will never be fooled by that stupid lie." Goddamnit. She's not easily fooled. "Ugh why are you so good?" I left the room.

I soon left Shawn's house with the lyrics and went home. I decided to read the lyrics.

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