Chapter 19 - Bye Taylor

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Lauren closed the door behind her (in front of me) and walked up to him. "Who was that?" Asked Taylor. "Oh, I think someone rang the bell then ran away." She lied. She looked pretty convincing but Taylor is extremely good at spotting lies. "Then what was the whispering? Is someone else in the house?" He looked straight towards at the door crack where I'm spying through. His look gave me goosebumps, and I'll tell you that it wasn't the good type of goosebumps. "No." Lauren went on lying, "Weren't you gonna tell me something?"

Taylor nodded, then started speaking. "I knew you were thinking that I started the fire." He already knows he'll be spotted, which got me even more curious. Why? "Y-Yeah. But it wasn't you, right?" She asked him showing desperation in her voice. It would crush her if she knew that the criminal was him. She likes Taylor so much. Recently she has been babbling about him to me, which really annoys me. "It was me-" Lauren stood up from the armchair she was sitting on, "Why would you do that? Even if you hate Carter you wouldn't want to burn him!" I glanced at her. Angry tears were slowly flowing down her cheeks. "Listen! You don't know why I did that!" That's it. He's such an idiot. Why does he think that she'll forgive him if he told his story that no one wants to hear? I swung open the door, hurrying to Lauren. "Holy fuck Camila why the fuck are you here? Lauren why is she here?" Taylor seemed very confused and angry but I know he saw me. "It doesn't matter Taylor. And so does your reason for the crime. We're turning you in to the police." I said as I pulled him by the wrist. Lauren blocked the door. Why is she doing that? "Lauren you need to get out of the way." She shook her head and gripped on the handle even tighter. "Lauren why are you doing this? You know he did something he should pay the price for!"

"Let him explain!" Lauren kept on arguing. "We don't need to listen to his explanation! It's probably made up!"
"You can't get through here unless you let him explain." She leaned on the door. I sighed, "Fine." We settled down on the couch. This time I was sitting on the armchair. "It will make sense, really. Just, hear me out." I sighed again.

He explained his story and by the end of it, I could totally understand why he did that. But still, you don't just go somewhere and light someone on fire because they hurt your family. I guess boys are more aggressive than girls. "Let's go." Taylor stood up. "Where?"
"I'm turning myself in. At least I got Carter." He said like its nothing and opened the door with me and Lauren following him. I could hear Lauren's quiet tears behind me. It must be a lot to handle when you hear that someone you love has committed a crime. We got in Lauren's car and drove to the police. A women in her police uniform led Taylor into a room for questioning, and me and Lauren waited outside.

After a few minutes, Taylor came out of the room and approached Lauren immediately. "My parents already knows, so don't worry about telling them. And tell the guys and girls as well. Love you." He hugged her really tightly and she did the same. Aw, it's so cute. Me and Shawn don't do that very often.


"Bye Laur." He let go of her and Lauren started to panic a little, with fear in her eyes, "S-So you're going t-to prison?" He nodded, "Yeah, for 12 months, but hey, you can still visit." He smiled sadly. Then turned to the women we saw earlier and walked without turning back. "Bye Taylor." Lauren whispered.

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