Chapter 11 - Cameron's little secret

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Believe me. I actually believe Mila cause if she says something without hesitation, she's telling the truth. But if I believe her I would look stupid and dumb and Cameron already made Mila look like a slut. Grace is the only slut here. I hate her so freaking much. It's all Cameron's fault. Yeah I'll go talk to him.

"Ring ring ring, that's the phone, it's someone calling you better pick up the phone." My phone rang. Man when did I make this fabulous ringtone? I see Shawn's face so I picked it up. "H-Hi Mila." Shawn said. "Sup." I replied.

"Mila I'm so sorry for ignoring you last week. Cause you know if I act like nothing happened grace would be like," he said in a girly voice, "OMG Mila is a good liar that's why Shawn is acting normal. I bet she will cheat on him again."
"The voice is so like her."
"Wait my mum is calling me talk to you later Mila!"

Ok. I've cleared things up with her. Now I'm gonna talk to Cameron. In person. I like talking to people face to face, rather than on the phone, cause then they have no excuse to say gtg bye at any time. "Hey dude." Cam answered. "Hi, Cameron. Can you go to the park like now?"
"Alright." YAS, he's not making some stupid excuses. Or maybe he's just a bit clueless. "Awesome. See ya." We hung up and I wore my jacket and head outside. My mum don't really mind. The sky is turning darker now.

Me and Cam arrived at the park at the same time and he was looking all chill. He must be VERY clueless. I mean like, it's Cameron. He's more clueless than Carter I bet. "So, why did you call me here?"
(C = Cam, S = Shawn)
S : I wanna talk about that night at the party.
C : oh. Um just so you know I never did ANYTHING I swear.
S : dude stop lying Camila told me already.
C : so you believe someone that could be cheating on you right now?
S : she was telling the truth. Come on man I just wanna know why
C : how do u know she's not lying?
S : I can see she's telling the truth, just tell me why and we can both forget it.
C : I-I don't know man. I guess I was drunk or something.
S : you were very drunk that night.

He could have just picked any girl. Why Camila. If I'm drunk and I'm in a dark room where I can't decide which face is which, I would have probably made out with a random girl. But Cameron? Oh hell no. He KNEW what he was doing, I'm sure he was not drunk, and chose Camila for a reason. I'm not gonna pick a fight right now. I don't feel like it and plus I'm not violent. Don't be violent kids.

My god. I just picked the worst excuse to kiss my friend's girlfriend. I was drunk. Great job Cameron. Me and Shawn both know that I clearly wasn't. He could have just punched me. Yeah I think I deserved that, kinda. He just walked away which makes me feel more guilty. Ugh I feel so bad.

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