Chapter 28 - The Rain

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"Um, eh, hmm, what did I want to say again..." Shawn scratched the back of his head. It's the first time I've seen him even a bit nervous since he came back. "Yeah it's fine if you don't say it..." I said, as I turned around to catch up with Jacob. "Wait!"

His hand.

I gasped. His warm hand was holding my wrist. The first time he even made contact with me in such a long time. The hotness in my face and the butterflies are all coming back.

What are you doing? Are you two timing Jacob now?

"Sorry I didn't realize you were in a rush... I'll just say it. Can you meet me here at 10 AM on Saturday?"

I knew what he wanted. He wanted me back. And I'm not making that happen. "Sorry. I have a date with Jacob this Saturday." My feet then carried me away from him.

She left. She left with my heart broken into pieces. But really, I shouldn't blame her. She knew damn well what I wanted. I shouldn't have made it so obvious. Ugh, should have just played it cool. Shawn, you're such a loser. You can't even ask a girl out? Really? I hoisted my bag over my left shoulder and began walking home.

The week passed rather quickly if you ask me. So fast that I don't even realize today was Friday.  I told the girls that Shawn asked me out and he got rejected, and acted like I'm totally not going with Shawn on Saturday, but inside I was confused with myself. I wanted to go. Maybe he doesn't want me back. Maybe he just wanted to be friends again. But then why would you go in the first place? He's a different Shawn. He's not the guy that'll bring you flowers on a date anymore.

The following hours passed just a little too quickly that it didn't give me enough time to decide if I should show up to Shawn. The time said yes but the weather said no. It's literally pouring rain right now. (That's what happened here in the NL too) Since it was a Saturday and I had nothing good to do, I took my umbrella and head to Normani's house because Lauren said she was busy.

Me and Mani were playing with cards and I glanced at the clock.


Is he still waiting for me to show up? Nah, normal people with common sense would know to walk away. But what if he was still waiting? You don't want him to get sick or anything. Ugh, he is NOT there. Go check then.

So I ended up lying to Normani about have to babysit Sofi, and ran all the way to the school gates, with my umbrella of course.

There he was.

There the tall figure was, standing with an umbrella, leaning against the walls that isolated the school and the streets. I tried my best not to let him spot me, but with my eye-catching purple umbrella, it's kinda hard at the moment. He walked towards me with a surprised face, "C-Camila? I thought you're not coming today." He whispered through the rain, but I could hear him just fine. "Uh, well, yeah. I...thought you might still be waiting for me." I said. He smiled, not a smirk, but a genuine smile. "I'll always wait for you. You know that."

YESSS cute chap!

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